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Sparta Battalion commander killed in Volnovakha posthumously receives Hero of Russia award from Putin

Mykolayiv leadership shows spoils of war

Head of the Mykolayiv Military and Civilian Administration showed mounds of Russian military equipment captured by the Ukrainian Armed Forces and reported on the situation in the region as of 6 March.

Russian troops sink Ukrainian patrol boat Slovyansk

Russian air strike hits Kharkiv TV tower: broadcasting interrupted

A Russian air strike has hit the Kharkiv TV tower. Currently, broadcasting in the city is interrupted.

Russian aircraft taken down over Kharkiv, but several more are on their way

A unit of the National Guard shot down a Russian fighter jet over Kharkiv, but further air raids by the occupier are expected.

Enemy attacks Vinnytsya from Black Sea, number of victims to be confirmed

Russian propaganda in action: occupiers have already found ‘combat drugs’, plague, and anthrax in Ukraine

With the help of pro-Kremlin media, the Russian invaders are spreading fake news about incredible discoveries in Ukraine. In a few days, the occupiers claim to have found ‘combat drugs’ in Ukraine and destroyed the pathogens of plague and anthrax. Photo and video evidence of this has not published.

Russian troops fire at checkpoint in Kyiv region: 5 killed

Five people have been killed and one wounded as Russian troops opened fire at a Russian checkpoint in the Fastiv area (Kyiv region).

Russia prepares to shell Russian civilian cities and blame Ukraine – Ukraine's security council

Russian authorities are looking for new ways to justify the country's war in Ukraine. As such, the aggressor country is planning to shell residential neighbourhoods of Russian cities near the Ukrainian border to accuse the Ukrainian Armed Forces of the attacks.

Russia announced new attacks on the Ukrainian enterprises of the Defence Industry

The Russian Ministry of Defence has announced strikes on Ukrainian defence industry enterprises.

Ukraine's Cabinet of Ministers decides what to do with invaders' bodies

Ukraine's Cabinet of Ministers has decided how it will ensure the collection of Russia invading forces' bodies.

Missiles which hit Vinnytsia were not launched from the Transnistria – Ministry of Defence of Moldova

Eight missiles which earlier hit a civilian airport in Vinnytsia were launched not from Russian-occupied Transnistria, but from the Black Sea. Information about a missile attack from the occupied part of Moldova is false, as "European Pravda" has been told by Moldova’s Ministry of Defence.

Russian cruise missile shot down above Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv

A cruise missile launched by the Russian occupying forces was shot down over Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital in Kyiv.

Over 140,000 nationals, mostly men, return to Ukraine since the start of Russian invasion

Since the beginning of Russia’s all-out invasion of Ukraine, more than 140,000 Ukrainians have returned to their country.

One person killed in missile attack on Vinnytsia airport

Putin says he could talk in an IAEA-Russia-Ukraine format

The president of the occupying country, Vladimir Putin, has told French President Emmanuel Macron that he is not against a meeting in the IAEA-Russia-Ukraine format.

11 days of war in Ukraine - 4,000 couples married and more than 4,000 children were born

It’s the 11th day of war with Russia in Ukraine.

Russia to deploy in provocations those forcefully mobilised from temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine

Vinnytsia airport attacked from Transnistria – journalist

Vinnytsia airport was attacked from the territory of Transnistria (a breakaway region of Moldova controlled by Russian ‘peacekeeping’ forces – ed.), according to journalist Andriy Tsyplenko.

Ukrainian Armed Forces on offensive near Mariupol

In the Mariupol sector, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have launched a successful counterattack and destroyed three enemy tanks, 4 military armoured personnel carriers, 2 Tigers (Russian 4x4, multipurpose, all-terrain infantry mobility vehicle – ed.), and ca. 30 troops. Two Russian soldiers were captured.

Russian troops attack Kramatorsk. 2 persons killed, many wounded

Zelenskyy’s parliamentary faction preparing to accompany evacuation convoys

The leader of the "Servant of the People" Parliamentary faction, David Arahamiya invited Members of the Ukrainian Parliament to form groups to accompany evacuation convoys through the humanitarian corridors.

Zelenskyy to the world: Close the sky. Or do you want all of us to be slowly killed?

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has once again called on Western leaders to close the sky over Ukraine or provide the country with aircraft to protect civilians from an aggressor who is cynically shelling civilian infrastructure.

Donetsk-Mariupol gas pipeline damaged, people will be without gas – Head of the region

Russian troops have damaged the Donetsk-Mariupol main gas pipeline– soon the area from Vuhledar to Berdyansk will be without gas.

Russian troops launch missile attack near Vinnytsia

Kherson,Kalanchak, Novooleksiivka, Troitske are rallying against Russian occupants

Following the example of their regional centre Kherson, rallies are springing up in other Kherson regional towns like Nova Kakhovka, Novooleksiivka and Kalanchak. The residents in Troitske in the Luhansk region are taking to the streets as well.

Russians disrupt evacuation from Mariupol with shelling - Azov

The second attempt at a "green corridor" for civilians again ended in shelling by the Russian invaders - in Mariupol, troops thwarted the evacuation.

Ukrainian forces shoot down a Russian aircraft over the Black Sea near Odesa - operations HQ spokesperson in Odesa

The Ukrainian military have shot down a Russian aircraft over the Black Sea near Odesa.

Ukrainian Railways recalls wagons for dead Russians. The aggressor country is not taking back their bodies

Ukrzaliznytsya (UZ - Ukrainian Railways) has sent 20 refrigerated wagons to Fastiv, Odesa-Zastava, Podolsk, Merefa and Zaporizhzhya stations. The wagons remained at the stations for three days, but the bodies of Russian soldiers never started to be loaded because of the Russians' unwillingness to take the dead.

38 Ukrainian children killed by Russian troops in Ukraine in 10 days

According to preliminary data, within the 10.5 days of the Russian invasion, 38 Ukrainian children were killed and 71 injured by Russian shelling.