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Missile fragment lands near presidential villa near Kyiv. Zelenskyy laughs it off

A fragment of a rocket has landed in the yard of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's villa in Koncha Zaspa near Kyiv.

No welcome for the Russians in Novopskov, Luhansk Region

In the village of Novopskov in the Luhansk region, locals showed their disdain to the Russian troops that had seized the village.

Zelenskyy’s Chief of Staff on shaking hands with the Russian delegation

As a result of negotiations between the Ukrainian and Russian delegations, there are currently no documents to be signed.

Russians are leaving their country en masse on Turkish charter flights

Since the countries of the European Union closed EU airspace to Russian aircraft, a very lively air connection has sprung up between Moscow and Istanbul.

Russian troops shell Mangush in the Donetsk Region

The town of Mangush in the Donetsk Region was shelled by Russian Grad missile launchers.

Mariupol: 4 days without communications, people in basements and houses with broken windows

Mariupol is being shelled for the fourth day. The city is without communications, electricity, water and heating. There are almost no windows left in the houses.

Mayor of Kherson: Russian occupying forces prevent humanitarian aid from entering city

Igor Kolikhayev, mayor of Kherson, has said that Russian troops do not allow trucks with humanitarian aid into the city.

“Go to hell, killers”: residents of Russian-occupied Melitopol protest against the invasion

In the Zaporizhia Region, rallies against the Russian occupation continue for four days straight.

Putin rejects direct talks with Zelenskyy

The Kremlin has rejected direct talks between Vladimir Putin and Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Ukraine’s message to its nationals mobilised by Russia: "Obstruct and surrender"

Russian troops threaten to use artillery against peaceful village in Chernihiv region

On the border of Chernihiv region, Russian troops are seeking to impose control by terror and looting.

"Tempered optimism" - Zelenskyy's Office on current hotspots in Ukraine

Russian troops have advanced in Enerhodar in the Zaporizhia Region, and near the town of Voznesensk in the Mykolaiv Region, but in general Ukrainian forces maintain control of the situation.

No mobile phone service in Kherson region

Locals report that there is currently no mobile service in the Russian-occupied city of Kherson and in the Kherson Region.

Ukraine's National Security and Defence Council: Russia has deployed 95% of its battalion tactical groups

Russian occupation forces have already used a minimum of 95% of their battalion tactical groups and suffer losses in all operational directions– at Polissia, Siversk, Slobozhanshchyna, Tavriisk, and the Joint Forces Operation area, said Oleksiy Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to NATO: If you do not help in the sky, you will have to share the responsibility for our suffering

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba believes that Russia is trying to destroy Ukraine with the same tactics it used in Syria.

Lukashenko: Belarusian involvement in Russia’s war against Ukraine would be “a gift to the West”

Self-proclaimed President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has stated that the Belarusian army did not participate in Russia’s war in Ukraine and has no plans to do so, because if Belarus did intervene, it would be a gift to the West.

Putin is preparing Russian military reserve for war

Russia plans to deploy the military reserve of the Russian Armed Forces in the war against Ukraine.

Russian troops have entered Mykolaiv, fighting is ongoing

Russian troops have entered Mykolaiv in Ukraine's south. They were met by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. A battle is taking place right now.

Russian bomber targeting civilians shot down over Volnovakha in Ukraine's southeast

Ukrainian air defence forces shot down a Russian Su-25 fighter jet, which was bombing civilian homes and infrastructure, over Volnovakha in the Donetsk region.

Russian bombing of Chernihiv on 3 March killed 47 people

47 people were killed in the Russian airstrikes on residential areas in Chernihiv on 3 March.

Ukraine asks the Red Cross to help create humanitarian corridors

Ukraine has asked the International Committee of the Red Cross to urgently assist in the creation of humanitarian corridors, as agreed by Ukraine and Russia during the second round of negotiations.

Russian attack on Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant could be like 6 Chernobyls – Zelenskyy

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy called the attack of the Russian occupiers on the Zaporizhzhya NPP an act of terrorism on an unprecedented scale.

Russian invading forces have started broadcasting Russian propaganda in Kherson using T2 tuner

In Kherson, Russian invading forces have started broadcasting 24 Russian tv channels and 3 radio channels using the T2 tuner system.

Quiet night in Kyiv. Chemotherapy and insulin points reopen for patients

Sirens could be heard throughout the night in Kyiv, but otherwise the city was relatively calm. On March 4, chemotherapy and insulin dispensaries started operating in the city.

Russian military jet shot down in Odesa Region, search for pilot underway

Ukrainian air defences have shot down a Russian aircraft that was attacking a military facility in the village of Zatoka in the Odessa Region. Ukrainian forces are currently searching for the pilot.

One power unit working at Zaporizhzhya NPP. Nuclear disaster awaits, if it is hit

One power unit is working at the occupied Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant (NPP) and the staff have been allowed to return to work, but all six power units contain nuclear fuel and if they are hit by a missile, the consequences will be catastrophic.

Russian troops bomb school in Zhytomyr

In the morning of 4 March Russian troops executed a missile strike on school no. 25 in the city of Zhytomyr (west of Kyiv). The school was destroyed.

Ukrainian Defence Minister: "Victory is imminent"

Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksiy Reznikov is convinced that a breakthrough in the Russian-Ukrainian war is coming, and that victory for Ukraine is imminent.

Russia asks Red Cross to help find Russian PoWs in Ukraine

Russian Human Rights Commissioner Tatiana Moskalkova has appealed to the International Committee of the Red Cross for help in finding Russian prisoners of war in Ukraine and providing assistance to them.

Ukraine’s flagship Hetman Sahaidachny was sunk to avoid capture by Russian troops

The Hetman Sahaidachny flagship of the Ukrainian Navy has been sunk to prevent the Russian occupying forces from using it, including for sabotage.