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Russia to deploy in provocations those forcefully mobilised from temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine

Sunday, 6 March 2022, 14:59

Valentyna Romanenko – Sunday, 6 March 2022, 15:59

The Kremlin is planning provocations which will involve forcefully mobilised citizens of the temporarily occupied territories.

Source: State Border Guard Service (SBGS) of Ukraine


Details: According to the available information, an echelon with personnel of the 131st Rifle Regiment of the 1st Army Corps, mobilised in the Russian-controlled territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, arrived on the Crimean Peninsula on 5 March.

According to the SBGS, the Kremlin plans to deploy these people in the near future to carry out provocations in the southern regions of Ukraine.

Although these units have extremely low motivation, as they were recruited from people who were forcibly mobilised in the temporarily occupied territories, it is also possible that the aggressor will use them as "cannon fodder," border guards say.

In addition, these people can be made to pretend to be locals for propaganda, as the occupiers are failing to break the spirit of the Ukrainian population.

The Russian military-political leadership may also soon carry out provocations with numerous victims in the eastern regions of Ukraine, warn the SBGS. They can deploy the people mobilised in the temporarily occupied territories during these provocations as well.

According to the SBGS: "In the east of our country, the enemy throws hundreds of supporters of the so-called "Russian peace" into battle. If they are wounded, immediately after receiving the necessary medical attention they are transported to the frontline accompanied by an armed convoy of Russian troops. They are then used as "cannon fodder."

Once again, we remind all representatives of the aggressor country who are in Ukraine right now: your best chance for survival is to surrender to Ukraine’s defenders!"
