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Oscar-nominated director makes film about severely injured Ukrainian children

Russians shell family's car near Kherson, killing grandfather: doctors fight to save mother and baby

236 children evacuated from Kupiansk hromada

Two more Ukrainian children brought back from occupied Crimea

Teenager Yermokhin, deported from Mariupol to Russia, will soon be in Ukraine

Ukraine brings back three more children who were under occupation

128 children left to evacuate from frontline villages in Donetsk Oblast

201 children evacuated from dangerous communities of Kupiansk district

17-year-old boy deported from Mariupol is called up in Russia

Ukraine evacuates 190 children from Kharkiv Oblast areas attacked most often

Russians in Crimea teach Ukrainian children to throw grenades and remove booby traps

Authorities plan mandatory evacuation of almost 300 children in Kharkiv Oblast

Coalition to help bring back children abducted by Russia is proposed at meeting in Malta

Mandatory evacuation of families with children announced in 10 settlements of Kharkiv Oblast

Kharkiv Oblast to announce mandatory evacuation of families with children in 10 settlements

Ukraine introduces mandatory evacuation of children in 8 settlements of Donetsk Oblast

At least 508 Ukrainian children killed by Russia

Zelenskyy talks to Qatari leader about Ukrainian children and Middle East

Russians attack Kupiansk this morning: two teens in hospital

Several children deported by Russians brought back to Ukraine

Tried for 76 days: grandmother saves grandson deported by Russians

Ukraine managed to bring back another child

Ukraine's police evacuates all children from 12 frontline settlements of Donetsk Oblast

Ukraine brings back 3 children who were under occupation

Ukraine brings back 4 deported children from Russia through Qatar, tests new scheme

One teenager killed and one injured after triggering a mine in a Mykolaiv Oblast field

Russians attack Donetsk Oblast wounding 3 people, including 16-year-old girl

Russians attack border areas of Sumy Oblast, 13-year-old girl dies in ambulance

Russian forces injure young girl in Kherson Oblast, she is in a coma

Child in Sumy Oblast dies after finding explosives near his home