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Ukraine brings back 11 more children from Russia and occupied territories – photo

Five children evacuated from Kherson Oblast

Explosion reported in Melitopol: Russians demonstrated grenade launcher to children

Russian children taught to shoot near border with Norway – photo, video

Attack on Kherson: wounded 19-year-old young man dies in hospital

Mother of three killed in Russian attack on Kharkiv was a prosecutor, DNA samples will be used to identify other bodies – photo

Russians create military camps for Ukrainian teenagers in temporarily occupied part of Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Baby's body found under rubble of hotel in Kharkiv Oblast – photo

Two more children brought back to Ukraine from occupation

Russians plan to teach schoolchildren in temporarily occupied territories to assemble UAVs

Ukraine and Canada hold meeting of coalition for return of Ukrainian children

Girl who was in coma after Russian attack on Kharkiv Oblast dies

Ukraine brings back 2 children deported to Russia

PACE adopts resolution on Ukrainian children abducted by Russia and sheltered in Europe

Mandatory evacuation zone expanded in Kharkiv Oblast

Body of child recovered from rubble in Pokrovsk district, search and rescue operation ongoing – photo

Russians killed 11 people, including 5 children, in strikes in Pokrovsk district – photo

One civilian killed and several injured in Russian attack on Nikopol district – photo

Nine-year-old twin boys injured in Russian attack on Kherson Oblast

Ukraine asks International Criminal Court to consider Putin's decree on Ukrainian children

Mariupol schoolchildren to be shown Putin's speeches as part of "educational activities"

Young man deported from Mariupol by Russians is brought back to Ukraine

Russians strike Kherson, killing one child and severely injuring another one

Russians vaccinate children in occupied territories and transport them in trains in terrible conditions

Russians plan to take children from Ukrainian occupied territories through Belarus

Ukraine's Ombudsman on separation of children from Ukrainian families abroad: Worst situation observed in Germany and Italy

"My dog is red, just like my dad's beard." How a dream came true for the son of a fallen hero, and why children need a Christmas miracle

Ukraine liberates 3 more children from Russian occupation

Ukraine brings back soldier's 12-year-old son who lived in occupation for over year and half

12-year-old girl from Luhansk Oblast dies after "health trip" to Siberia