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Two more children brought back home from occupation

9-year-old musician from Lviv Oblast raises more than US$67,600 for Armed Forces within one year

Pope's envoy working on mechanism for return of Ukrainian children from Russia

They were waiting for Ukraine's return: the story of the murder of two teenagers in Russian-occupied Berdiansk and the trumped-up case against them

Belarusian Paralympian organises abduction of Ukrainian children from occupied territories – National Resistance Centre

Attacks on Kherson Oblast: child injured at night

First notices of suspicion served on Russians for kidnapping Ukrainian children

Child's fingers ripped off due to detonation of ammunition in Kharkiv Oblast

Pope's envoy meets with Russia's Ombudsman for Children's Rights, wanted by The Hague

Russians detain children en masse on temporarily occupied territories

Russians place more than 1,000 children deported from Ukraine under guardianship

Kramatorsk missile strike: death toll rises to 11, including 3 children

Strike on Kramatorsk: 9 killed, including children, and 60 injured

Russians plan to take about 300 children from Ukraine to Chuvashia

Little boy injured in explosion of unknown device in Kharkiv Oblast

UK Intelligence discloses efforts of Russian authorities to hide their own crimes against children in Ukraine

Over 700 Ukrainian children remain in Belarus – Belarusian Red Cross

Children forced to write letters to Russian invaders in occupied cities in Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Children's commissioner explains extent of Russia's underhandedness regarding abducted Ukrainian children

World is not helping Ukraine to bring back children deported to Russia – child ombudswoman

Ukraine liberates 373 children from Russia, but number of deportees may reach 300,000

Office of Ukraine's Human Rights Commissioner says 240 children have been removed from the families of Ukrainian refugees in EU countries

Russians take almost 300 children from Berdiansk district to Russia

Russians attack Sumy Oblast 21 times in a day, wounding 3 children

Russia deports another 150 children from occupied Luhansk Oblast

Russians shell city of Ukrainsk, Donetsk Oblast: 3 residents killed

Russia wants to take Ukrainian children from occupied territories

Zelenskyy on children injured in the Russian missile strike in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

Attack on Dnipro's suburbs: number of people injured rises to 20, including 5 children

Two children injured by explosives in Kherson Oblast, both are in serious condition