Ukraine's Security Service charges Metropolitan of Russia-linked church with inciting religious hatred

VALENTYNA ROMANENKO — Wednesday, 1 May 2024, 13:34

The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) reports that it has documented crimes committed by Metropolitan Luka (born Andrii Kovalenko) of Zaporizhzhia and Melitopol of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP). He is suspected of inciting religious hatred in Ukraine.

Source: SSU 

Details: The investigation found that the metropolitan publicly expressed his contempt for members of other denominations. 

He repeatedly mentioned this when talking with his parishioners and during church liturgies. 

The cleric also posted provocative messages on his Telegram channel in which he insulted the religious sensibilities of representatives of other denominations. By doing so, he destabilised the socio-political situation in the frontline region to Russia’s benefit, the Security Service emphasised.

It is noted that an expert analysis initiated by the SSU confirmed the cleric's subversive activities against state security.

Based on the evidence collected, the metropolitan was served with a notice of suspicion under Article 161.2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (violation of the equality of citizens based on their race, ethnicity, region of origin, religious beliefs, or other characteristics).

Quote: "The issue of selecting a pre-trial restriction for him is being resolved. The investigation is ongoing to establish all the circumstances of the crime. The offender faces imprisonment.

It is worth remembering that the National Security and Defence Council imposed personal sanctions against him in December 2022."

Background: The SSU searched Metropolitan Luka’s home in Zaporizhzhia on the morning of 1 May.

For reference: Chesno, a Ukrainian movement focusing on advancing political transparency, reported that Metropolitan Luka was involved in spreading pro-Russian propaganda and justifying Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine.

In 2023, Kovalenko claimed that the scale of persecution of the Church in the Soviet Union under Stalin and Khrushchev was negligible compared to what is happening now in Ukraine.

In 2022, he claimed that Ukrainians deserved to be bombed by the Russians because they "tolerated gay Pride parades in Kyiv".

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