Europe must double existing support to Ukraine to fully replace halted US aid – IFW

Sunday, 18 February 2024, 06:14

Europe will have to double the current level and pace of arms assistance to fully replace US military aid to Ukraine in 2024.

Source: The Ukraine Support Tracker by the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IFW)

Details: Europe's total aid has long since overtaken that of the United States, not only by commitments but also in terms of specific allocations to Ukraine.

In addition, the approval of the EU's Support Programme for Ukraine guarantees further financial assistance. However, the gap between EU commitments and disbursements remains extensive (€144 billion vs. €77 billion, respectively). The latest update indicates that US aid and supply commitments to Ukraine have effectively come to a halt, given that no new support package has passed the US Congress. European aid, on the other hand, continues to grow.

The Kiel Institute for the World Economy analysis reveals that Estonia, Denmark, Norway, Lithuania and Latvia are the leaders in providing aid to Ukraine in relation to their GDP.

As of 15 January, Estonia's total long-term and short-term commitments to assist Ukraine amounted to 3.5% of the country's GDP. Denmark ranks second with 2.41%. This is followed by Norway (1.72%), Lithuania (1.54%), Latvia (1.15%), Finland (0.71%), Poland (0.69%), and the Netherlands (0.67%).

Germany's total aid and commitments to support Ukraine amount to 0.57% of its GDP, the United Kingdom's 0.55%, the United States' 0.32%, and France's 0.07%. Such neutral nations as Switzerland and Austria have allocated 0.33% and 0.18% to support Ukraine, respectively.

Considering the financial, humanitarian and military assistance provided and promised to Ukraine in billions of euros, the European Union ranks first, having allocated a total of €84.99 billion (€77.18 billion in financial assistance, €2.21 billion in humanitarian aid, and €5.6 billion in military aid). The second largest donor to Ukraine is the United States, which has a total of €67.71 billion in aid (€24.03 billion in financial assistance, €1.45 billion in humanitarian aid, and €42.22 billion in military aid). Germany ranks third with €22.06 billion in aid and pledges as of 15 January this year (€1.41 billion in financial assistance, €2.95 billion in humanitarian aid, and €17.70 billion in military aid).

For reference: The Ukraine Support Tracker lists and quantifies the military, financial and humanitarian assistance that countries have pledged to Ukraine between 24 January 2022 and 15 January 2024.

The tracker covers 41 nations, including EU member states and other G7 members, and countries such as Australia, South Korea, Türkiye, Norway, New Zealand, Switzerland, China, Taiwan, India, and Iceland.

The database aims to support an evidence-based debate on support for Ukraine.

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