Erdoğan expects Putin's visit this month, but no date yet

Saturday, 5 August 2023, 12:07

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit Türkiye this month, but the date has not yet been determined.

Source: Erdoğan in an interview with Anadolu

Quote: "The date is unclear, but the [Turkish] foreign minister and the intelligence head are holding talks. Within the framework of these talks, I think this visit will take place hopefully in August," Erdoğan said.

The president of Türkiye added that he was "on the same page as Russia" regarding the need to continue grain exports.


  • On 17 July, Russia announced the termination of the grain deal and threatened "risks" to any parties attempting to continue the initiative without Russia's involvement.
  • Afterwards, the president of Türkiye said he believed the Black Sea Grain Initiative could be resumed after his talks with Putin.
  • On 2 August, Erdoğan and Putin held a telephone conversation during which they discussed the grain deal and the visit of the Kremlin head to Türkiye.

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