US State Department comments on Navalny's sentence, calling trial unjust

Saturday, 5 August 2023, 10:49

The US State Department has condemned the verdict of the Moscow City Court for the Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny in the case of creating an "extremist community".

Source: European Pravda with reference to a press statement by the US State Department.

Details: The American Foreign Ministry called the decision of the Russian court "an unjust conclusion to an unjust trial".

"For years, the Kremlin has attempted to silence Navalny and prevent his calls for transparency and accountability from reaching the Russian people. By conducting this latest trial in secret and limiting his lawyers’ access to purported evidence, Russian authorities illustrated yet again both the baselessness of their case and the lack of due process afforded to those who dare to criticise the regime."

The United States called for the immediate release of Navalny and other Russian political prisoners and an end to repression against independent voices in Russia.

On Friday, 4 August, the Moscow City Court sentenced Navalny to another 19 years in prison in the so-called case of creating an "extremist community". This is the first case related to his political activities. Among the articles of accusation were, among other things, "financing of extremism" and "rehabilitation of Nazism".

Josep Borrell, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, condemned the ruling by a Moscow Court that sentenced Navalny to an additional 19 years of imprisonment for the creation of an "extremist community".

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