UK Defence Secretary explains why he considers Russia grave threat in coming years

Saturday, 15 July 2023, 22:54

UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace believes Russia will remain a serious threat in the future and is most concerned about the risk of a direct clash with Russia, accidentally or otherwise.

Source: Wallace in an interview with The Times, as reported by European Pravda

Details: Wallace stated his grave concern over the growing threat from China and its intentions towards Taiwan, as well as the threats from the global activities of terrorist organisations such as al-Qaeda and ISIS.

However, Wallace is most concerned about the threat of a military conflict with Russia, whether by accident or otherwise. He believes Russia remains a severe force even after its losses in Ukraine.

Quote: "If Putin loses in Ukraine, he will be deeply wounded…He's still got an air force and he's still got a navy — and we see his navy do quite aggressive manoeuvres… There is an ability for him, in the next three or four years, to lash out," Ben Wallace pointed out, also noting that Russia still has nuclear weapons.

Details: He added that Putin was "not done yet" and would be looking for those responsible for his troubles and that Russia had already voiced speculation that the UK might have been involved in Prigozhin's rebellion.

Ben Wallace mentioned that Russia could potentially attack allies' underwater communications, which provide data and power.

"40 per cent of Europe's energy now comes from Norwegian gas fields. We had a clear identifiable vulnerability," the secretary stressed.

Background: In an interview, Wallace confirmed that he planned to step down during the next government reshuffle and will not run in the next election.

This week, Wallace made a statement on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Vilnius, calling on Ukraine to express more gratitude to its partners for their military support instead of constantly asking for new weapons.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the Ukrainian side has always been grateful to the UK for its assistance.

Wallace then said that his words had been distorted. Meanwhile, Ukrainians have been posting massive amounts of gratitude in the comments section of the minister's Facebook post.

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