Residents of 6 apartment blocks in Zaporizhzhia evacuated due to unexploded munitions

Saturday, 12 November 2022, 20:01

Residents of six apartment blocks in Zaporizhzhia are being evacuated due to unexploded cluster munitions that Russian forces have dropped on the city.

Source: Anatolii Kurtiev, Secretary of Zaporizhzhia City Council, on Telegram

Quote from Kurtiev: "During today’s attack on Zaporizhzhia, unexploded cluster munitions were dropped on one of the city’s residential neighbourhoods.

Six residential apartment buildings are located in the area that could be affected if the unexploded munitions detonate. We have started evacuating their residents.

Some of the residents left on their own; we are using municipal transport to take others to the nearest visitor centres, where they are being given food and medical assistance, if they need it. We are expecting the evacuation to last until tomorrow."

Details: Kurtiev added that the buildings and their grounds are being monitored by officers of the National Police.

Previously: Earlier on Saturday, 12 November, Kurtiev reported that anti-aircraft defence systems were deployed in Zaporizhzhia and missile fragments fell on one of the city’s streets.

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