Ukrainian Jews address Israel asking for help to defeat drones

Tuesday, 25 October 2022, 00:55


Ukrainian Jews have addressed the President, the government, the Knesset [parliament - ed.], and civil society of Israel with an appeal for help to defeat Iranian-made UAVs.

Source: Yosyf Zisels, Executive Co-President of VAAD of Ukraine [Association of Jewish Organisations and Communities of Ukraine - ed.]

Quote: "Friends, it is not too late to join the alliance of democratic and free countries. Ukraine needs your help. Dozens of Iranian-made UAVs fall on our cities every day. Undoubtedly, Israel has technologies to fight a similar threat effectively. Help Ukraine reduce the number of victims of inhumane aggression. Take your place on the bright and just side of history."

Details: Zisels points out that Russia is an obvious and outright threat to the entire civilised world. Russia has chosen its allies in the Middle East, and Israel is not one of them. Nevertheless, "the passive stance of pseudo-neutrality that the Israeli government has taken is, in fact, playing into the hands of the aggressor." Trying not to anger Russia is no different from attempts of placating terrorists; and "both Ukraine and Israel know very well what the risks are of such behaviour." 

The address also highlighted that providing Ukraine with weapons is the main factor helping to bring the long-awaited peace closer. 

106 people have signed the address so far, and the collection of signatures is ongoing.

Previously: Dmytro Kuleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, turned to Israel asking for air defence weapons after Iranian-made Shahed drones attacked Kyiv. Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz declined this request mainly because Israel is dependent on cooperation with Russia in conducting the Israeli Air Force raids in Syria. According to him, Israel will supply early warning systems but not air defence equipment.

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