Spying on "potential targets" in the leadership of the SSU: a Russian agent is detained in Odesa

Monday, 12 September 2022, 11:11


During a special operation in Odesa, an agent of the Russian special services was detained, who "professionally knew the methods of conspiracy" and collected data against Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) officials.

Source: Security Service of Ukraine 

Details: The traitor turned out to be the former head of criminal intelligence of the Directorate for Combating Organised Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

He collected strategic intelligence, including data on the leadership of the Security Service.

The invader’s agent was also collecting classified information about the identification data of officials and veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and data from investigations of high-profile cases.

He transferred the collected information to his case officer in Moscow, Sergei Eremin, a staff member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, whose activities are coordinated by the FSB.

The occupiers use the received information to identify "potential targets" among Ukrainian security forces, carry out sabotage, and special information operations to discredit them and [blackmail them into becoming double agents serving Russia.

It was established that the invader’s accomplice moved to Odesa after being dismissed  from the police in 2014. He came to the attention of the Russian special services because of his pro-Kremlin views, which he openly expressed among his former law enforcement colleagues.

According to counterintelligence, the traitor was recruited by the Russians in June 2022.

Since then, on the instructions of the Moscow "curators", the agent has been gathering intelligence on the Security and Defense Forces, as well as information on the socio-political situation in the south of Ukraine.  He used a previously developed electronic communication channel to transmit data in the Russian Federation.

Evidence of his activities was found during the search.

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