Air defence system shoots down two Russian missiles in Zaporizhzhia

Wednesday, 10 August 2022, 01:45

WEDNESDAY, 10 AUGUST, 2022, 01:45

Air defence systems shot down two Russian missiles in Zaporizhzhia overnight.

Source: Oleksandr Starukh, head of Zaporizhzhia Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Quote: "Late last night, around 23:00, a loud explosion sound was heard in the Regional Centre and near Zaporizhzhia. According to preliminary information, this is the result of the work of the air defence of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which shot down an enemy missile.

The circumstances of the incident are currently being established.

An hour later, today, our guys took a second pop at them. We are minus old windows, but the enemy is minus two missiles."

Updated. Subsequently, Anatolii Kurtiev, the secretary of the Zaporizhzhia City Council said that there were attacks on the Kushuhum hromada (amalgamated territorial community). Three houses in Kushuhum were destroyed, and almost 30 more were damaged. One woman was killed.

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