Ukrainian Armed Forces kill 36 invaders, destroy warehouses and equipment - Pivden [South] Operational Command

Sunday, 17 July 2022, 02:48


The Ukrainian military has killed 36 occupiers and has destroyed 2 of the Russian army’s ammunition depots and various pieces of Russian equipment on the southern lines of defence. 

Source: Pivden [South] Operational Command

Quote: "During the previous night, three missile strikes were carried out.

The rocket hit an industrial infrastructure facility in Mykolaiv. One civilian was injured.

The Russian army also hit Bashtanka from the area of Snihurivka with Smerch multiple rocket launch systems. Most of the shells hit the feed mill, while some hit the field outside the settlement. There were no losses.

An attack on Odesa with a Kh-101 missile resulted in a fire on an area of ​​more than 1,000 square metres at a woodworking enterprise. One person received minor injuries.

The night shelling of Nikopol from Grad multiple rocket launchers hit industrial infrastructure, three educational institutions, a fire department, a blood transfusion station and a private house. One person was injured.

During another night shelling, 152 mm shells were directed at Vysunsk, damaging two private buildings. There was no loss of life."

Details: In the afternoon, the flight of five Kh-555 cruise missiles launched by three Tu-95s from the Caspian Sea over the central regions of Ukraine was recorded over the territory under the Pivden [South] Operational Command air defenсe system. Three rockets were destroyed, one hit a field, another hit an agricultural farm in the Cherkasy region.

The Russian army tried to attack Ukrainian units in the northern part of the Kherson region using Ka-52s, continuing the tactics of air attacks. They did not succeed. While carrying out air reconnaissance near Oleksandrivka, the invaders lost a Lancet-type attack unmanned aerial vehicle.

According to reports on the results of firing missions conducted by the missile and artillery units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the losses sustained by the Russian army are 36 invaders, 2 T-72 tanks, a Msta-S self-propelled howitzer, a Tor anti-aircraft missile complex, armoured and automotive equipment, as well as 2 field ammunition depots, 2 MANPADS divisions with standard weapons and ammunition in the Kherson region.

In the northwestern part of the Black Sea, the invaders' naval group has reduced its composition, in moderate storm conditions, from 2 to 1 big landing ships, but the number of missile boats and cruise missiles of the "Calibre" type remained at 2 and 16, respectively.

"The threat of missile strikes remains relevant from the sea, from the sky, and from the temporarily occupied territories," the Pivden Operational Command states.