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Luhansk Oblast

Occupiers hide behind children's backs in "military hospital" in Luhansk Oblast – General Staff report

Echelon of military equipment and soldiers is being transferred from Belarus to Luhansk Oblast

Border guards of Ukraine down three drones in one go

Russians set up field hospital in Luhansk Oblast to treat 70 soldiers

Ukrainians in Starobilsk are evicted from their homes and sent to filtration centres for not accepting Russian passports

Occupiers deport 50 children from Luhansk Oblast to Dagestan, Russia

Humanitarian crisis in occupied Luhansk Oblast: lack of medicine for civilians

Ukraine's Security Service detains 6 people who organised sham "referendums" in Kherson and Luhansk oblasts

Russians loot houses of local residents in Luhansk Oblast – General Staff

Ukrainian defenders have small success to south of Kreminna

Russians convert hospital into military hospital in Khrustalne, Luhansk Oblast

Shoot-out occurred between Russian and Wagner Group soldiers in Stanytsia Luhanska – General Staff

ISW names goals of Putin's trips to occupied territories

Russians strike Novoiehorivka in Luhansk Oblast, killing three people

Zelenskyy appoints new heads of Luhansk and Sumy oblasts

Ukrainian government approves appointment of heads of Luhansk and Sumy Oblast Military Administrations

Russians conduct census of housing in Starobilsk for resettlement of their military

Russian invaders abduct people and dismantle monuments from graves in Luhansk Oblast

Occupiers in Luhansk Oblast are abducting pro-Ukrainian residents – General Staff

Russian soldiers accommodated in seized homes in Luhansk Oblast – General Staff

Bodies of 100 Russian soldiers killed in combat taken to morgue in Troitske, Luhansk Oblast

Russians to bring mobile Arts Centres to occupied territories

Russians look for "partisans and saboteurs" in Luhansk Oblast

Russians try to disguise mass mobilisation in Luhansk Oblast as training – General Staff

Russians "officially" admit they completely destroyed city of Popasna

Russia sentences Ukrainian servicemen to 12 years in prison for "throwing grenade in window"

Government agrees to dismiss heads of three Oblast State Administrations

Russia will not pay conscripts from occupied Luhansk Oblast without Russian passport

Russians build modular hospitals in Luhansk Oblast due to large number of wounded

Russians decide to set up barracks in clinic with patients in Luhansk