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Luhansk Oblast

Defence in Lugansk region holding out – the hardest situation is in the Girske area

In the Lugansk region, the defence is holding out. The hardest situation is currently in the area of Girske, where the Russian army has fired on most of the surrounding villages.

Shchastia and Stanytsia Luhanska on verge of humanitarian catastrophe

Region State Administration: City of Schastya 80% destroyed, city of Popasna shelled

Olena Roschina – Friday, 25 February 2022, 21:43

Head of Luhans’k region state administration Serhiy Gaidai reported that the city of Schastya is 80% destroyed, two bridges in Novoaydar have been blown up, and in Starobil’sk Ukrainian artillery destroyed a column of Russian military equipment.

Source: Gaidai on Facebook

The occupants shelled evacuation buses with ‘Grads’

Kateryna Tyschenko, 24 February 2022 - 11:14

Buses going to Shchastya, Luhansk region to evacuate residents came under enemy fire.

"Счастье в наших руках": ВСУ отбили город на Луганщине, уничтожили технику и россиян

Militants Shoot at Shakhta Rodina Checkpoint in Luhansk Oblast

Illegal military formations shot at the Shakhta Rodina checkpoint in Luhansk oblast from small arms and grenade launchers, the State Border Guard Service reports on Tuesday, August 23.

Prosecutor General Releases Details on Yefremov Ally

If former Party of Regions MP Volodymyr Medianyk cooperates with the investigation, he may be released from detention in October.

Media: Militants Attack Ukrainian Infantry Vehicle

On July 18 in the ATO zone in Luhansk Oblast, militants blew up an infantry fighting vehicle of the 93rd brigade that was on its way back from an assignment and fired shots at its crew.

Forest Fire in ATO Zone in Luhansk Oblast

About 15 hectares of forest caught fire in the ATO zone in Luhansk oblast, according to the press service of the State Forest Agency.

Free Part of Luhansk Oblast Started Building 'the Wall' from Russia

Construction work was started on the state border between Ukraine and Russia in Luhansk oblast.