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Graduates of Russian-destroyed Irpin Lyceum dance last school waltz at Kyiv railway station – video

"I will never be able to take a picture of all my close friends at our victory party," says photographer Julia Kochetova

Irpin mayor reveals fate of Banksy artwork when building is demolished

"People were lying on the road, slowly dying": notices of suspicion served for shooting evacuation convoy in Irpin

Canadian Defence Minister visits Irpin: Russia will be held accountable for its crimes

Russia's full-scale invasion in 25 photos from Ukrainska Pravda

Buckwheat with the taste of death. Four weeks of the occupation of Irpin through the eyes of Kuzia the shaggy dog

Investigators finish their work in Irpin: new victims of the Russian military have been found

General Prosecutor Venediktova: of 290 civilians killed by occupying forces in Irpin, 105 bodies remain unidentified

Looters in Irpin threw grenade at local residents, 1 woman in critical condition

A truck was blown up by a landmine in Irpin: the driver died

The bodies of people killed in Irpin were handed over for examination to the Hague court

Kyiv region: police confirm deaths of 1,222 people killed by the occupying forces

The city of Irpin: Russian occupiers drove tanks over bodies, we collected corpses with shovels - the mayor

It will not be possible to return to Irpin for at least a month - mayor

“The dead were crushed by tanks”: up to 300 civilians killed in Irpin – Mayor of Irpin

Irpin Mayor: Return to the liberated city still impossible

Irpin Mayor: Irpin liberated from Russian occupation

Irpin mayor says the Russians offered him to surrender the town

Russian shelling of Irpin kills 8 civilians

On Sunday, at least 8 people were killed in shootings in Irpin, including a family with two children.

Evacuation from Irpin to Kyiv will be by bus – aggressors have blown up the railway tracks

Russian invaders have blown up railway tracks in the Kyiv region, so the evacuation from Irpin will be carried out using buses, said Mayor Olexandr Markushyn.

Russian invaders bomb high-rise building in Irpin west of Kyiv

The Russian invaders have bombed, attacked residential areas and destroyed a high-rise building in Irpen near Kyiv.

Irpin Mayor Confesses He Received Notification About His Planned Arrest

Irpin Mayor Volodymyr Karpliuk denies he fled from Ukraine.

Irpin and Bucha Mayors Face Six-Year Jail Terms

The mayors of Irpin and Bucha – cities in Kyivska Oblast – can be sentenced to six years in prison, Volodymyr Hutsuliak of the Prosecutor General’s Office (GPU) said on July 21. If they are also convicted of abuse of power, the incarceration term may be as high as 12 years.

Prosecutor General’s Office: Irpin Mayor Has Left the Country

The Mayor of Irpin in Kyiv oblast Volodymyr Karpliuk has left the country, and there are searches at the Mayor of Bucha Anatoliy Fedoruk’s home related to the case of embezzlement of 900 hectares of forest.