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The city of Irpin: Russian occupiers drove tanks over bodies, we collected corpses with shovels - the mayor

Thursday, 7 April 2022, 11:45
The city of Irpin: Russian occupiers drove tanks over bodies, we collected corpses with shovels - the mayor



The mayor of Irpin Oleksandr Markushin said that the Russian occupiers staged real atrocities in the city - they shot people and then drove tanks over the bodies. After the liberation of Irpin the remains had to be collected with shovels.


Source: Markushin during an online conference organised by the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Foreign Policy and Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation on 7 April

Quote: "There are dead women and dead children in the area that was occupied (30% of the city). When we liberated the area, our residents told me that the occupiers began to divide families, to take away men and leave children and women. Men were taken away to be used for prisoner exchange, those that Russians did not like the look of were shot, those who did not want to surrender were shot. These are facts, these are people’s testimonies. A child died, many men died.

Even more brutal, simply inhumane deeds manifested when they shot our people and then drove tanks over these bodies, and only when we drove out this abomination were we able to collect the remains of people. We shoveled bodies off the asphalt. "

Details: The mayor noted that there were also cases of women being raped.

In addition to killing and harassing women, the Russian invaders ruthlessly looted Irpin homes.

According to Markushin, they took everything from washing machines to underwear.


On 28 March, it became known that Irpin was liberated from Russian invaders.

The mayor of Irpin Oleksandr Makrushin said that according to preliminary data, up to 300 civilians and up to 50 servicemen were killed in Irpin.

He also added that residents of liberated Irpin will not be able to return to their homes for at least a month.
