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Armed Forces of Ukraine make extraordinary efforts to create opportunity to deblockade Mariupol - Podoliak

Azov Regiment say they still have weapons to fight the Russians with

Mariupol defenders have four options, but captivity will mean death - "Azov"

"Azov" has killed 2.5 thousand invaders and 60 of their tanks since the beginning of the war

Mariupol defenders tell how the commander of marines fled the city

“Azov” accuses politicians of cynicism and calls for “drastic action” to evacuate the wounded

Three defenders of Azovstal killed during the evacuation of civilians - Azov Regiment

World War II Veterans to Putin: Release people from Azovstal

Azov rebuffs claims of "capitulation" with a white flag as fake news

Crimean Tatar doctor working in Azovstal asks Turkey for help

Azov Regiment shares footage of Russian troops storming Azovstal

Ukrainian soldiers at Azovstal appeal to President Zelenskyy

Bloody battles at Azovstal last for a second day - Azov Regiment’s appeal

Friends and relatives of soldiers defending Mariupol urge the world to evacuate everyone from Azovstal

Russians break into the Azovstal plant in Mariupol - sources

Zelenskyy: I believe that there is a chance to save people from Azovstal

Two women killed by Russian bombs as massive assault on Azovstal continues

"Azovstal" Defenders push back despite Russian shelling: they report latest aggressors’ losses

Russia renews shelling of Azovstal immediately following evacuation

Video of evacuation of civilians from besieged Azovstal plant

Ukrainian troops defending Azovstal hope that critically wounded soldiers will be evacuated

20 civilians evacuated from Azovstal, but wounded soldiers ignored – Azov

Azov Regiment shares video in which Russian tank bombards apartment buildings in Mariupol

Advisor to President’s Office: Putin ignores proposals regarding Mariupol evacuation

Marine commander at Azovstal appeals to Erdoğan

Azov Regiment tallies the achievements of its heroic defence of Mariupol

Operating room is wrecked, at least 1 fighter has been killed: “Azovstal” does not see how to help the injured from now on

Azov Regiment: Russian troops bomb field hospital on Azovstal plant; there are casualties

Russian occupiers conducted 50 air strikes on Mariupol during the night, dropped phosphorous bombs - Azov

Mayor's adviser published a new video of fighting in Mariupol, which Putin claims ‘are not being conducted’