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Zelenskyy on rescue from Azovstal: Ukraine needs Ukrainian heroes alive

“Mariupol” Garrison completed its task, orders are to stay alive – General Staff

Azov Regiment commander says they’ve completed their task and wants to save lives of his subordinates

Relatives of the defenders of Mariupol ask Erdogan to involve China to save the fighters

Azovstal steelworks: Russians trying to block exit from bunkers - mayor's adviser

The Ministry of Defence met with close family of defenders of Mariupol: told the details of rescue attempts

In memory of the Azov defender’s family who died in Mariupol

Russians continue to storm Azovstal steelworks, defenders hold back Russians – Azov Regiment

There are now about 600 casualties at Azovstal – policeman from the factory

Relatives of Azovstal works defenders ask China to intervene

"We do not intend to be martyrs": fighter from Azovstal addressing Ukrainians

Zelenskyy: most influential mediators are engaged in negotiations on Azovstal

Iryna Vereshchuk asks commentators not to exaggerate world leaders’ influence on talks concerning Azovstal

Azovstal shelling lasted all night, the Russian invaders storm the plant buildings – The Special Operations Detachment "Azov"

Mariupol: Russia launched a ground operation in the morning - Russians are trying to capture Azovstal

Agreement on evacuation from Azovstal is being elaborated: critically injured are first priority - Iryna Vereshchuk

Despite everything, Azov in Mariupol continues to knock the invaders out of their positions

"Very difficult negotiations": Vereshchuk asks others not to interfere with evacuation of fighters from Azovstal

Occupying forces rule out possibility of extracting the military from Azovstal

Girl who was separated from her mother at Azovstal has been reunited with her relatives

The occupiers said that their “hands were untied” at Azovstal

Azov Regiment releases photos of wounded soldiers in the dungeons of Azovstal

Azovstal strikes leave people injured, but defenders have lost contact with hospital

Titanium prosthetic arm: National Guard talks about Azov Regiment commander Illia Samoilenko

Metropolitan Onufriy calls for “extraction” of Mariupol’s defenders

Despite constant Russian bombardments, Ukrainian flag flying over Azovstal

Mariupol Councillor: Russian troops preparing chemical attack on Azovstal on 11 May

Azov Regiment: Decomposing bodies poison everything, many soldiers killed every day

Russian troops separate mother and child evacuated from Azovstal

Azov Regiment believes Russian troops should have been stopped on Crimea’s border