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Ukraine's forces down 60 out of 76 missiles launched by Russia

We must and can fight this enemy to the bitter end – Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief

10 Ukrainian generals fired since full-scale invasion started, and one shot himself

Russians prepare 200,000 soldiers, no doubt to attack Kyiv again – Zaluzhnyi

Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief on mobilisation: We have enough people, we need weapons

Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces tells what he needs to reach borders of 23 February

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief on Russian Commander: "He’s a typical martinet from Peter the Great’s time"

Ukraine’s Commander-in-Chief discusses air defence needs with General Milley

Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine’s Armed Forces congratulates radio-technical troops on their holiday and talks about number of downed targets

Zaluzhnyi: Out of impotence, Russians are fighting against hospitals, civilians and babies

Commander-in-Chief says Ukrainian military will not accept any negotiations or compromises

Zaluzhnyi responds to hackers of his Instagram: Shameless creatures

Armed Forces of Ukraine: Russians triple the intensity of attacks in some areas

Hackers hack Zaluzhnyi's Instagram profile

This war will destroy Russia: Commander-in-Chief compares Russian aircraft losses in Ukraine and Afghanistan

Ukraine’s Commander-in-Chief says Ukrainians are gradually liberating their land, although gaining victory is difficult

Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine’s Armed Forces: Russians unsuccessful, defensive operation proceeding according to plan

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief: We are reclaiming what's ours and no one can stop us

Ukrainian army’s Commander-in-Chief shows map of Russia's morning attacks

Russia has launched 83 rockets so far this morning, 45 have been shot down

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief discusses support for Ukraine's Armed Forces with US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief on mobilization in Russia: no matter how many enemies there are, we will destroy them

General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine states there is no division in the military leadership

Commander-in-Chief on Ukraine's counteroffensive: Only 50km left to the border

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief believes liberation of Crimea will be followed by a new phase of standoff

Ukraine’s General Staff confirms that air bases in Crimea were hit with Ukrainian missiles

Zelenskyy: Ukraine's victory will be the best tribute to the memory of all those who have died

Russia spreads misinformation on situation at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant – Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief to US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief: Those fighting for independence know it tastes of blood and death

Zaluzhnyi about front line: Russians fire 40 to 60 thousand pieces of ammunition daily