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Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief names ways out of positional war and suggests keeping Cold War in mind

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief says Ukraine needs unique invention to avoid protracted war

Situation at front reaches stalemate, hopes for Russian exhaustion turns out to be mistake – Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief speaks about evaders and reserves, points out gaps in legislation

War is entering new stage, Ukraine needs technology – Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief

Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces warns about fake messages sent on his behalf on social media

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief, UK and US military officials discuss protection of Ukraine's infrastructure this winter

Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces visits Air Force control point

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief discusses further actions on Avdiivka front with commanders

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief posts video of ATACMS missiles being launched

Number of Ukrainians who believe in conflict within authorities and West's fatigue increases

Ukraine's Army Chief has first conversation with new US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman

WP reveals ups and downs in relations between top US and Ukrainian generals

Ukrainian commander-in-chief asks UK chief of defence staff to help strengthen Ukraine's air defence

Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces speaks with Milley for last time before latter steps down

Zaluzhnyi speaks with Milley's successor for the first time

Ukraine's top military leaders make sure they are on same page with Tavriia army formation

"We're expecting good news": Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief on meeting with Western partners

General Milley talks with Zaluzhnyi several times a week

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief and Chief of Defence Staff of Romanian Army discuss Russian attacks on Danube ports

Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief and US Army Commander in Europe discuss situation on battlefield and Ukrainian army's needs

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief talks to France's Chief of Defence Staff

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief appoints Hero of Ukraine as chief military commissar of Lviv Oblast

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief says knowledge and culture are pillars on which the frontline stands

Zaluzhnyi speaks with US Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff about increasing air defence and F-16s

Zaluzhnyi discusses Ukraine's strategy at meeting with NATO officials – The Guardian

Ukrainian president and army's Commander-in-Chief congratulate Ukrainians on Independence Day

Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief shows Ukrainian flag raised in Robotyne

Zaluzhnyi speaks to US General Milley about situation on contact line, upcoming plans and need for ammunition

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief agrees with partners to focus on providing drones for Ukraine