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Poland and Baltic States discuss possibility of closing border with Belarus

Lithuania closes two Belarus border crossings

Chinese Defence Minister arrives in Belarus planning to visit military facilities

Mother of volunteer soldier fighting for Ukraine detained in Belarus

Ukraine to compete at 2024 Olympics even with Russian athletes under neutral flag

Lukashenko says he will take Ukrainian children to Belarus and is not afraid of criminal charges

More checkpoints and thousands of mines planted on border of Rivne Oblast and Belarus – Ukraine's Joint Forces Commander

Poland to increase number of troops on border with Belarus to 10,000

Baltic States and Poland call on Belarus to stop repressions and supporting Russia's war against Ukraine

New tent city for Wagnerites under construction in Belarus

Belarus and Russia launch new intimidation campaign via migrants influx – Poland

Belarusian court claims photo of Polish President is "propagated extremism"

Belarusian volunteer killed at contact zone

Missiles flying from Belarus could be launched from Tambov – Ukraine's Air Force

Russians launched Kinzhal missiles at Ukraine

10 Russian helicopters and 9 fighter jets leave Belarus

Companies with ties to Russia and Belarus continue to open in Ukraine

EU imposes sanctions on propagandists, judges and jailers of Lukashenkо's regime

Poland deploys attack helicopters to border with Belarus

Belarusian helicopter incident: US says NATO Article 5 is not yet on the table

Planet Labs post satellite image of fortifications near Asipovičy, Wagner Group's training spot

Pentagon comments on incident with Belarusian helicopters on Polish border

Minsk denies violating Polish airspace, claims it is "justification for building up forces"

Polish Defence Ministry confirms that Belarusian helicopters violated state border

Belarusian helicopters possibly spotted in Poland, Warsaw initially denied it

14th convoy of Wagner Group arrives in Belarus, trucks with containers inside spotted

Lukashenko claims he "joked" about Wagner Group planning to attack Poland

Belarus wants to make agreement with Iran on Shahed drone production – ISW

Four volunteer soldiers from Kalinoŭski Regiment killed in Ukraine

Polish Prime Minister announces relocation of 100 Wagner mercenaries to Suwałki Gap