Putin continues to demonstrate that he has no interest in peace talks – ISW

Iryna Balachuk — Saturday, 19 October 2024, 05:08

Analysts at the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) have reported that Russian leader Vladimir Putin is not interested in meaningful peace talks with Ukraine and will use the upcoming BRICS summit to legitimise Kremlin information operations that portray Kyiv as unwilling to negotiate.

Source: ISW

Quote from ISW: "Putin met with prominent media organisation heads from BRICS member states in Moscow on 18 October and claimed that Russia is willing to negotiate with Ukraine but later countered that Russia is ‘ready to continue this fight’ and that ‘victory will be ours’."

Details: Analysts emphasised that Putin's 18 October statements are the latest in a string of conflicting statements by the Russian leader and other senior Kremlin officials attempting to portray Russia as ready for negotiations while making it clear that the Kremlin is unwilling to accept terms that do not mean capitulation and the destruction of Ukraine.

"Putin also claimed on 18 October that Russia needs to create conditions for an enduring peace and falsely portrayed Ukraine as the aggressor state in the war, further indicating that these conditions amount to eliminating Ukraine's ability to defend itself against possible future Russian aggression," ISW writes.

It is also stated that Putin used the meeting to promote alternative peace plans by Brazil and China, the key principles of which are favourable to Russia.

Quote: "ISW continues to assess that the Kremlin is uninterested in good-faith peace negotiations with Ukraine and that the Kremlin only invokes the concept of ‘peace plans’ or ‘negotiations’ to prompt the West to pressure Ukraine into preemptive concessions regarding Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity." 

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