Latest prisoner swap: 95 more defenders come home – photos, video

Iryna Balachuk — Saturday, 19 October 2024, 00:44

The Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War has carried out the 58th prisoner swap with Russia, and 95 more Ukrainian defenders have come back home.

Source: Coordination Headquarters and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Telegram

Quote from Zelenskyy: "Ninety-five of our people have come home again. Soldiers who defended the city of Mariupol, Azovstal Steel Plant and Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Kherson oblasts.

Every time Ukraine rescues its people from Russian captivity, we are bringing the day when freedom will be returned to all those in Russian captivity closer."

Details: The Coordination Headquarters reported that the special aspect of this prisoner swap was that many Ukrainians who had been convicted by Russian courts and sentenced to long prison terms (28 people) and even life imprisonment (20 defenders) had been brought back.

Among those released from captivity were National Guardsmen, sailors, soldiers of the Armed Forces, border guards and representatives of other units of the Ukrainian defence forces.

Ukrainian defenders, released in the latest prisoner swap with Russia.
Photo: Coordination Headquarters on Telegram

These are people who defended the city of Mariupol and Donetsk, Luhansk, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Chernihiv and Kherson oblasts. In particular, 69 soldiers and sergeants and 26 officers were released.

Ukrainian defenders, released in the latest prisoner swap with Russia.
Photo: Coordination Headquarters on Telegram

The Coordination Headquarters added that many of the released defenders have serious illnesses and the consequences of severe injuries, as well as severe weight loss due to torture and malnutrition.

This is the 58th prisoner swap organised by the Coordination Headquarters. In total, 3,767 people have been released from Russian captivity as a result of these swaps.

Ukrainian defenders, released in the latest prisoner swap with Russia.
Photo: Coordination Headquarters on Telegram

The Coordination Headquarters thanked the United Arab Emirates for its assistance in organising the latest prisoner swap.

Ukrainian defenders, released in the latest prisoner swap with Russia.
Photo: Coordination Headquarters on Telegram

For reference: All relatives and friends of prisoners of war or illegally detained civilians can register a Personal Account on the Coordination Headquarters’ website to send and receive all relevant information.

Ukrainian defenders, released in the latest prisoner swap with Russia.
Photo: Coordination Headquarters on Telegram

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