Ukraine learns whereabouts and identifies 11 captured Ukrainians handed over by Russia to Hungary

Friday, 16 June 2023, 10:00

The Ukrainian authorities have established the whereabouts of 11 Ukrainian defenders held in Hungary after being captured by the Russian troops.

Source: Oleh Kotenko, Ukrainian Commissioner for Missing Persons, on Telegram

Details: Kotenko reported that thanks to the coordinated work of his team, 11 defenders of Ukraine, who had been held as prisoners of war by the aggressor country and then released, appeared to be in Hungary.

Quote: "The names of our heroes and their route to Hungary have been established, and their relatives and the relevant law enforcement agencies have been notified.

It should be noted that until now, there was no information at all about 7 out of 11 of our citizens whose place of detention had been found out."

Details: The Ukrainian defenders remain on the list of missing persons under special circumstances in the Unified Register of Persons Missing under Special Circumstances until they come back to the territory of Ukraine.

Kotenko stressed that collecting and analysing information on missing persons during hostilities is one of the priorities of the Commissioner for Missing Persons.


  • The Russian Orthodox Church reported that on 8 June, "within the framework of inter-church cooperation" and at the request of the Hungarian side, a group of Ukrainian prisoners of war of Transcarpathian origin who had taken part in hostilities on the side of Ukraine were transferred to Hungary.
  • Later, Zsolt Semjén, Hungarian Deputy Prime Minister, who oversaw the agreements with the Russians, confirmed this information.
  • The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said that the Ukrainian government had not been informed of the negotiations between the Hungarian and Russian sides. The ministry invited Hungary's charge d'affaires to explain. At the same time, the Foreign Ministry stressed that releasing Ukrainian prisoners of war is "always good news".
  • The media found out that the release of the 11 Ukrainian prisoners of war and their transfer to Hungary could have been a personal initiative of Zsolt Semjén, Deputy Prime Minister, which no one else in the government knew about.

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