All promised Challenger 2 tanks are already in Ukraine – UK Defense Ministry

Thursday, 11 May 2023, 16:19

The United Kingdom has confirmed that all the promised Challenger 2 tanks are now on the territory of Ukraine.

Source: Ben Wallace, Secretary of State for Defence of the United Kingdom, during a session of the British Parliament, answering a question from an MP

Quote: "I know that all our tanks have gone into the country... they are all in the country, they have trained, exercised, both here [in Britain – ed.] and in Ukraine, and I know that the Ukrainian troops using them so far have enjoyed them very much," he said.


  • On 17 March, Ukraine’s Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov stated that he had the honour, together with Ukrainian paratroopers, to try out the newest addition to Ukrainian armed units: Challenger tanks from the UK, Stryker and Cougars from the US, and Marders from Germany. 
  • Reznikov highly praised the UK tanks, calling them "military art".
  • On the same day, a group of Ukrainian soldiers returned to Ukraine after completing training in the UK on Challenger 2 tanks.

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