Russian forces open fire near Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant again, Enerhodar residents recommended to stay indoors

Saturday, 13 August 2022, 14:28


Dmytro Orlovm the mayor of Enerhodar town has urged the citizens to remain indoors as the Russian occupiers resumed their attack on the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP). [Enerhodar is the ZNPP’s satellite city and is currently occupied by Russia - ed.]

Source: Dmytro Orlov on Telegram; Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine on Telegram

Quote from Orlov: "Attention! Please be careful and avoid staying out of doors in Enerhodar wherever possible!

We have obtained information about new provocations carried out by the [Russian] occupiers. Local residents have reported that [the Russians] fire from the territory of the park [located to the northwest of Enerhodar - ed.] on the Zaporizhzhia NPP and the [adjacent] industrial area. About 3–5 seconds elapse between the moment a projectile is launched and the moment it strikes [the target]."

Details: In contrast, the Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence has reported that the Russians are firing on the ZNPP from the village of Vodiane [located to the east of Enerhodar - ed.]. They are said to have already damaged unit no.1 of the pump station of the ZNPP’s thermal and underground communications workshop, and partially destroyed the fire station responsible for the safety of the ZNPP.

In addition, the nearby forest and the grass on the territories adjacent to the power plant have caught on fire. The attack on the fire station made it difficult to extinguish the fire.

Ukrainian intelligence has also added that the Russians have brought two buses full of "extras" to pose as "local residents and [ZNPP] staff" during the shooting of videos for the Russian propagandist media.

The intelligence further reports that the Russian invaders are planning to stage provocations under the guise of Ukrainian forces.

In particular, a Russian Pion self-propelled artillery system marked with a white "Z" [typically used by the Russians to mark their military vehicles - ed.] has been deployed near the Enerhodar obelisk at the entrance to the town. The Russians have raised a blue and yellow flag above the weapon system.

Meanwhile, the Russian propagandists already rushed to claim that the Armed Forces of Ukraine allegedly shell the ZNPP.


  • On August 5, Energoatom reported that the Russian invaders shelled the territory of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant twice a day. First, three strikes were recorded near an industrial site – the enemy hit a high-voltage communication line.
  • Later, Russians used MLRS to hit the ZNPP; the projectiles hit the area next to one of the units where the nuclear reactor is located.
  • On 6 August, Russian occupiers launched missiles, hitting Enerhodar and the ZNPP site, directly next to the plant’s and the dry storage of spent nuclear fuel.
  • At the UN Security Council session on August 11, the US indicated that in order to guarantee the ZNPP safety, Russian troops should be withdrawn from that area and let the IAEA experts work there.
  • Serhiy Kyslytsia, Ukraine’s permanent representative in the UN stated that Russia has to let the IAEA-led mission visit the ZNPP, clear the ZNPP facilities of landmines and withdraw the troops and weapons from the plant’s premises. 
  • But Vasiliy Nebenzya, Russia’s permanent representative in the UN did not support the offer about creating the demilitarised zone around the ZNPP.

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