Russians fearful of disgraceful defeat, resort to crimes against humanity – Ukraine’s Defence Minister

Thursday, 3 March 2022, 08:20

Thursday, 3 March 2022, 09:20

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have already destroyed thousands of Russian troops and equipment amounting to the equivalent of entire armies of some countries. Now, the time has come to focus on total resistance. 

Source: Minister of Defence of Ukraine Oleksiy Resznikov on Facebook 

Quote: "Earlier, I hadn’t even thought how many hours there were within a week. As it turns out, 168.

"168 hours. An entire week. Ukraine is resisting the Russian invaders. No-one - comprehend this - no-one, not in Russia, nor in the West believed that we would stand for an entire week.

"The only ones who believed were us. Two-thirds of Ukrainians up till 24 February had been certain that in the case of a massive Russian invasion, we would stand. Today, it is 90%. 

"That is the result of the heroic work of our defenders of all genders. That is the result of the professionalism of our leadership. That is the dedication of each and everyone of you.".

Details: The Minister also commended the work of the medics, emergency services, municipal services, railway workers, journalists, and finance sector employees who are each fighting on their own fronts.

Reznikov particularly commended the heads of military and civil administrations and mayors who are holding the line. Chernihiv, Sumy, Konotop, Kharkiv, Mariupol, Kherson, and Mykolayiv are now bastions of Europe.

The capacities of Ukraine’s Armed Forces are increasing, aid is arriving. In many areas, fighters of the territorial defence forces have distinguished themselves. 

Ukraine’s air force pilots are gaining legendary status. Landing troops, marines, artillery forces are all showing what Ukrainians are worth.

Reznikov gave a reminder that he had called for all citizens to display total resistance. It is critical to destroy the enemy’s communications – the cancer that it is trying to spread throughout our land. 

Quote: "The Russian invaders are afraid of disgraceful defeat and have started to commit crimes against humanity. They are targeting hospitals, killing women and children. This is not an army, it is a bunch of cowards and terrorists.

"We have many challenges ahead. There will be blood, tears, pain. But now more than ever we have all grounds to be confident in ourselves. And in those near us. We shall definitely win.

"Glory to Ukraine!"