Minister Fedorov asks Ilon Musk to grant Ukraine access to satellite internet

Saturday, 26 February 2022, 13:46

SATURDAY, 26 FEBRUARY, 2022, 14:46

The Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhaylo Fedorov asked Ilon Musk on Twitter to grant Ukraine access to satellite internet.

Source: Mykhaylo Fedorov's Facebook post

Quote: "We need support. I have asked to give Ukraine Starlink stations and access to satellite internet as soon as possible. I have also asked him to speak directly to the Russian Federation and the Russian nationals who are supportive [of Ukraine] and must take to the streets [of Russian cities] to stop the war."

Details: The Minister stressed that while Ilon Musk is trying to colonise Mars, Russia is trying to occupy Ukraine. And at the time when SpaceX rockets are successfully landing from space, Russian rockets are landing on Ukrainian kindergartens and hospitals.

Background: On 26 February, Mykhaylo Fedorov called on the CEO of Apple Inc. Tim Cook to block the Apple Store for Russian citizens.