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The enemy is demoralised and suffers losses, yet still draws new plans to shell – the General Staff

On the twelfth day of the struggle against Russian occupiers, the Ukrainian Armed and the Territorial Defence Forces continue to inflict damage on the invaders’ manpower and equipment.

Russia takes over 2,000 foreign students hostage - Iryna Vereshchuk

Minister for the Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories Iryna Vereshchuk has announced that Russia has taken 2,046 foreign students hostage and is blocking their evacuation.

Ukrainian international reserves decreased by 5.3% in February

As of 1 March, Ukraine's international reserves amounted to $27.5 billion. In February, the reserves decreased by 5.3% - as reported by the press service of the National Bank.

Russian helicopter shot down over Kyiv Reservoir

Ankara announces tripartite talks with participation of Lavrov and Kuleba

Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Turkey’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, announced that a tripartite meeting of the Foreign Ministries of Turkey, Ukraine, and Russia will take place on Thursday, 10 March in Antalya.

SpaceX crew commander brought aid to Ukrainian military

One million refugees have left Ukraine for Poland

Russian propaganda in action: occupiers have already found ‘combat drugs’, plague, and anthrax in Ukraine

With the help of pro-Kremlin media, the Russian invaders are spreading fake news about incredible discoveries in Ukraine. In a few days, the occupiers claim to have found ‘combat drugs’ in Ukraine and destroyed the pathogens of plague and anthrax. Photo and video evidence of this has not published.

Russia prepares to shell Russian civilian cities and blame Ukraine – Ukraine's security council

Russian authorities are looking for new ways to justify the country's war in Ukraine. As such, the aggressor country is planning to shell residential neighbourhoods of Russian cities near the Ukrainian border to accuse the Ukrainian Armed Forces of the attacks.

Ukrainian Armed Forces on offensive near Mariupol

In the Mariupol sector, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have launched a successful counterattack and destroyed three enemy tanks, 4 military armoured personnel carriers, 2 Tigers (Russian 4x4, multipurpose, all-terrain infantry mobility vehicle – ed.), and ca. 30 troops. Two Russian soldiers were captured.

State of Ukraine’s regions as of 6 March, morning

Mariupol under blockade: the enemy practically took 400,000 Ukrainians prisoners

Kadyrovites leave psychoneurological hospital they seized earlier today

Patients of a psychoneurological hospital in the Kyiv Region, seized earlier today by Kadyrovites, were evacuated.

Kadyrovites seize psychiatric hospital with 100 bedridden patients

Head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration Oleksiy Kuleba reported that Kadyrovites (the Chechen paramilitary group supporting the Russian Armed Forces) have seized a psychoneurological hospital which houses more than 600 patients.

4 Russian military helicopters shot down in Mykolayiv Region

In the Mykolaiv Region, Ukrainian Armed Forces shot down four Russian military helicopters.

Russia prepares new fake on alleged “secret prison” run by Ukraine’s State Security Service and the CIA

The Ukrainian State Security Service has issued a warning regarding another fake generated by the Russian side - a fabricated video that claims that there is a secret prison run by the Security Service and the CIA in Ukraine.

Belarusian activist: "Belarusian soldiers will surrender or disobey"

More than 200 Belarusians have joined Ukraine’s Armed Forces to defend Ukraine against the Russian invasion to date. 300 more volunteers from Belarus are currently on standby in Poland.

Situation on the western border of Ukraine on Friday

Zelenskyy to Europeans: “Don’t stay silent. If Ukraine falls, Europe falls.”

Russia agrees to negotiations in Turkey

Russia as terrorist state: Ukraine sends new evidence to FATF

Heat supply cut off in Energodar

The mains pipeline in Energodar has been damaged; as a result the town has been left without heating.

Russian senator says, conscripts being sent to fight in Ukraine. Only 4 out of 100-unit company survive

A member of Russia's Federation Council has said that Russia is sending conscripted soldiers to fight in Ukraine, and that only four members of a 100-unit company survived.

Ukraine is preparing to sell Russian assets

On 3 March, the Ukrainian Parliament passed a law allowing the sale of Russian property held in Ukraine. Preparations are underway for the sale of such assets.

Ukraine asks the Red Cross to help create humanitarian corridors

Ukraine has asked the International Committee of the Red Cross to urgently assist in the creation of humanitarian corridors, as agreed by Ukraine and Russia during the second round of negotiations.

Russia asks Red Cross to help find Russian PoWs in Ukraine

Russian Human Rights Commissioner Tatiana Moskalkova has appealed to the International Committee of the Red Cross for help in finding Russian prisoners of war in Ukraine and providing assistance to them.

Ministry of Defence announces Russia’s losses over 8 days of war

Russia’s military losses over the 8 days of its war with Ukraine have exceeded 9,000 soldiers, according to Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence.

G7 meeting: Leaders will discuss Ukraine and counteracting Russian aggression

Heads of the G7 countries’ foreign affairs departments will meet on Friday to coordinate their response to Russian aggression and to discuss the situation in Ukraine.

Russian occupying forces suffer losses on all fronts - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

As of the ninth day of the Russian attack on Ukraine, the occupiers have suffered casualties in all directions, Russian soldiers are demotivated and have been surrendering, according to Ukraine's General Staff.

Blinken and Kuleba discuss Ukraine’s additional security needs

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has discussed the humanitarian, economic, and security needs of Ukraine with his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba, Evropeyska Pravda reports, quoting a statement from the US State Department.