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Belarusian activist: "Belarusian soldiers will surrender or disobey"

Saturday, 5 March 2022, 12:23
Belarusian activist: Belarusian soldiers will surrender or disobey

Alyona Mazurenko – Saturday 5 March, 13:23

More than 200 Belarusians have joined Ukraine’s Armed Forces to defend Ukraine against the Russian invasion to date. 300 more volunteers from Belarus are currently on standby in Poland.

Source: former business owner and activist currently living in Ukraine Vadim Prokopyev on Ukrainian TV broadcast


According to Prokopyev: "We are trying to broadcast to all Belarus to encourage Belarusian soldiers to surrender and fight on our side.

"We are gathering Belarusian volunteers to join the Foreign Legion.

"There are already more than 200 Belarusians among Ukraine’s Armed Forces. Unfortunately, we’ve had losses among them. Yesterday, a Belarusian soldier died…

"Many Belarusians are also working in the rearguard: 5,700 Belarusians have signed up to help Ukrainians in the rearguard.

"Lukashenko might be removed from command altogether. This will be a problem. For now, he understands that that would not be a good idea. That it will be his own downfall, his death. That his troops will turn against him.

"I may be wrong, but I estimate the possibility of a [Belarusian] ground invasion as small…

"We are receiving information about the extremely low morale of Belarusian soldiers. They are ready to resign, to leave their contracts. If a ground invasion begins, I assume that a large number of them will surrender to the Ukrainian Armed Forces."

Details: Prokopyev apologised and said that his country was, sadly, occupied.

He added that another 300 volunteers from Belarus are now in Poland, ready to join the Foreign Legion to fight against the Russian occupation of Ukraine.
