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We expect Beijing to use its influence to end war — Ukrainian Foreign Ministry on Xi’s visit to Russia

Xi Jinping arrives in Moscow to meet Putin

Russia surrenders or withdraws troops – Ukraine's Security Council Secretary on implementing China's peace plan

Xi Jinping voices opinion on war in Ukraine in Russian media

Putin once again brings up "diplomatic settlement" ahead of Xi Jinping's visit

Podolyak on China's "peace plan": Doesn't make sense and contains contradictions

United States confirms use of Chinese ammunition in Ukraine

After Putin's arrest warrant, Xi's visit to Moscow is not an easy task – Ukrainian Security Council Secretary

We believe that China is sovereign country, it will not be Russia's accomplice – Ukraine's Defence Council Secretary

President's Office on preparing a conversation between Zelenskyy and Xi: work is ongoing

Chinese companies sold rifles and body armour to Russia during war in Ukraine

Ukraine's Armed Forces shoot down Chinese-made drone Mugin-5 – CNN

US urges Chinese leader to talk to Zelenskyy about war in Ukraine

Chinese President plans to speak with Zelenskyy

War Speeches. Russia faces exolosions and Moscow still wants to negotiate on their own terms

Lukashenko and Xi agreements may allow Putin receive aid from China

Lukashenko tells Xi Jinping he completely supports his "peace plan" for Ukraine

Lukashenko arrives in China to meet Xi Jinping

Defence Intelligence Chief believes China will not supply weapons to Russia

Grateful to Chinese friends but see no prospects of negotiations – Kremlin on China's "peaceful plan"

Chinese "peace plan"does not distinguish aggressor from victim – Josep Borrell

ISW explains why Lukashenko is going to China

German Chancellor criticises China's "peace initiative"

CIA director says China is considering providing lethal weapons to Russia

G20 meeting ends without joint communique: Russia and China disagree on wording used for Russian war

China's peace plan beneficial only for Russia – Biden

Ukraine opposes at least one point in China's "peace plan"

Zelenskyy: I want to meet with Xi Jinping

Zelenskyy on China's "peace initiative": This is not a peace plan, but at least something

Russia, China and South Africa to conduct joint military exercises, Ukraine "deeply disappointed"