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Zelenskyy talks to Macron about Macron's China visit and situation on Ukraine's fronts

ISW explains why Russia suddenly started Pacific Fleet's combat readiness checks

Increasing numbers of Chinese components are found in Russian weaponry – President's Office

Pentagon's leaked documents: China might have agreed to supply Russia with lethal weapons

Now is not the time for negotiations, now is the time for military action – Macron

Borrell will visit China on 13-15 April

Xi tells Macron about his readiness to "work hard" for peace in Ukraine

Macron urges China to convince Russia to stop the war in Ukraine during state visit to Beijing

If China gives Russia lethal weapons, it would be a "historic mistake" – NATO Secretary General

China's ambassador calls declaration of "no limit friendship" with Russia "nothing but rhetoric"

Zelenskyy on support for Ukraine: China's leader hesitates

China plans to deepen "military trust" with Russia in name of "justice"

Zelenskyy invites Xi Jinping to Ukraine: We are ready to see him here

War Speeches. Russia wants to go to Africa, and Ukraine is waiting for a million units of ammunition

"Don't add fuel to the fire" – China expects US to facilitate negotiations between Russia and Ukraine

China comments on Russia's nuclear weapons deployment to Belarus

Putin boasts of "transparent cooperation" with China, speaks of jealousy from other states

Zelenskyy says he wants to talk to Xi Jinping, but didn't receive return offer

Chinese Foreign Ministry evades questions about President Xi Jinping’s talks with Zelenskyy

Xi Jinping's visit to Moscow sends "troubling message" of support for Russia – Pentagon

Ukrainian President's Office explains what prevents Zelenskyy and Xi from negotiaiting

Defence Intelligence believes Putin's regime will not receive help it hopes for from China

Zelenskyy says phone call with Xi Jinping not yet confirmed

Putin and Xi say their countries did not form military alliance

Putin and Xi sign two documents in Moscow

Putin wants to implement Chinese "peace plan" in war with Ukraine

China sells over US$12 million worth of drones to Russia in a year

Putin wants more than Xi Jinping offered – ISW

Xi Jinping speaks about China's "constructive role" in resolving "Ukrainian issue"

Putin and Xi Jinping meet in Kremlin