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Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

Even worst-case scenario at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant does not threaten population with radiation – ANS

IAEA inspected several Zaporizhzhia NPP facilities but has not yet reached roof − Grossi

Russians want to switch another ZNPP unit into hot shutdown state – Energoatom

Putin's representative visits Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

Russians are fortifying themselves at Zaporizhzhia NPP as if preparing for battle – ZNPP employee

ZNPP power units cooled down for almost a year, risks to population are minimal – ZNPP employee

Russians mined Zaporizhzhia NPP in first weeks of occupation, no changes since – ZNPP employee

IAEA representatives at the Zaporizhzhia NPP are like hostages – an employee of the station

Risk of disaster at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant slowly decreasing – Ukrainian Intelligence Chief

Polish Foreign Minister promises "adequate" response to possible Russian strike on Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

Satellite records new objects on roof of ZNPP's power unit 4

US closely monitoring situation at Zaporizhzhia NPP

IAEA detects no signs of mining at ZNPP but advises citizens "to stay alert"

Water level in Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant cooling pond is stable

Zelenskyy: World sees that only source of danger for ZNPP is Russia

Zelenskyy warns Macron about Russia's provocations at ZNPP

Russians put items similar to explosive charges on two of six ZNPP units

Military strengthens Ukraine's northern border due to situation at ZNPP – Joint Forces commander

Russia's attack on Zaporizhzhia NPP would affect the whole world – top NATO official

I think Russia is coming up with new plan for ZNPP – Ukrainian Foreign Minister

Part of Zaporizhzhia NPP employees collaborating with occupiers and Rosatom personnel leave Energodar

Nuke or not, the jam isn't going to make itself

Zelenskyy called for sanctions against Rosatom in the 12th EU package

Russia could blow up Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant remotely after handing it over to Ukraine – Zelenskyy

Russian terrorist attack on ZNPP to be considered as nuclear weapons use

Not enough water in ZNPP cooling pond in long term – IAEA

Russian forces begin to flee Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant – Ukrainian Defence Intelligence

In case of disaster at ZNPP: training close to reality held in Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Training to be held in Zaporizhzhia in case of explosion at ZNPP

Ukraine's Parliament asks international community to prevent nuclear disaster at ZNPP