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Mayor of Kherson asks journalists to help establish a "green corridor"

Kherson Mayor Igor Kolykhayev asks journalists to help prevent a humanitarian catastrophe in the city.

Energodar residents form their city’s wall of defence

Residents of Energodar in the Zaporizhzhya region came out to stop the invaders from entering the city. They waved Ukrainian flags and were determined not to let the enemy into the city.

"Out with the Orcs": Melitopol protests against Russia's invasion, gunfire heard

Several thousand people flooded the streets of Melitopol in the Zaporizhia region to stop Russians from capturing the city.

Up to 15 years in prison: occupiers want those spreading alleged "fakes" regarding actions of the Russian army imprisoned

The State Duma of the Russian Federation has made amendments to the sentence of up to 15 years in prison for spreading alleged fake facts about the actions of the Russian armed forces.

Belarusians are blocking rail traffic to make it more difficult to move military cargo

Belarusians are blocking traffic on Belarusian railways to make it more difficult to transport military cargo.

Russian troops were given 3 days’ worth of food before attack on Ukraine: SBU publishes video with captured soldier

Russian troops were given three days’ worth of food before the attack on Ukraine and had their phones and documents taken away, Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) states, posting a video of a captured Russian soldier.

Near Crimea, Russia deploys forces mobilized from occupied Donbas

In the full-scale war against Ukraine in the Crimean area, Russia is using forces mobilized from the temporarily occupied territory of eastern Ukraine.

Russia prepares provocation at Ukraine-Belarus border

The Russian invaders are preparing provocation at the Belarus-Ukraine border from the territory of Ukraine.

Cowardly West? Or accomplices to Putin's war crimes?

Ukrainian air defence shoots down two Russian Su-35Cs - General Staff

Ukrainian air defence has shot down two Russian Su-35Cs fighter jets.

Russian troops bomb brewery in Luhansk Region, kill a man

Russian invaders have shelled the Lisichansk brewery, killing a civilian.

In Kherson, possible provocation of invaders under guise of distributing bread

Unknown persons in Kherson on buses are urging people through a loudspeaker to take to the streets, allegedly to get free bread.

2000 Ukrainian civilians killed since the beginning of full-scale war

Over 2,000 civilians have been killed in Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale invasion and aggression by Russian forces from the territory of Belarus.

“They have stirred up Cossack drive”: Russian troops' morale is low

Oleksiy Arestovych, Adviser to the Ukraine's President's Chief of Staff, says that the enemy is demoralised and was dropping weapons en masse, only subordinates of Russia’s top leaders fighting more actively.

Head of Sumy region has made agreement with the Russians: troops do not enter the city, Ukrainians do not shoot

Police find 5 infiltrators in Kyiv underground: one hid ammunition in a toy

Russian cruise missile hits Kharkiv City Council

The Russian invaders hit the building of the Kharkiv City Council with a cruise missile.

Aggressor tanks are at the Kherson Oblast State Administration. They were met by a man carrying a Ukrainian flag.

Fire from enemy shelling: 10 rescue workers killed on duty

Defend Ukraine: we need much more and now

15,000 people sheltering from Russian bombs in Kyiv Metro

15,000 people are currently sheltering from Russian bombs in the Kyiv Metro. The infrastructure can hold up to 100,000 people.

Putin aware of Russia’s losses, would not publicise the number killed in action

The Russian President’s press secretary, Dmitriy Peskov, has stated that Vladimir Putin was continuously receiving information about Russian casualties in the war against Ukraine, however, the Kremlin could not provide casualty figures. According to Peskov, this is the prerogative of Russia’s Ministry of Defence.

“I will pray for you”: Russian soldier captired in Ukraine talks to wife

The Security Service of Ukraine would like to point out that Ukrainian defenders are not only destroying Russian troops, but are also destroying their stereotypes.

Mayor: "We will defend Odesa, fight for every house"

The Mayor of Odessa, Henadiy Trukhanov, has declared that residents of Odessa did not want to believe right up to the last minute that there would be a war. But Odessans are ready to protect their families.

At least four people killed and nine injured in the morning shelling in Kharkiv

After the morning shelling of Kharkiv by Russian troops, rescuers have pulled people out of the rubble: 4 people are currently known to be dead.

Kyiv region: Russian invaders are not providing “green corridor”, would not let aid in

The Russian invaders are not providing a “green corridor” in the Kyiv region for civilians and are not allowing humanitarian aid to come in.

Humanitarian aid sent to Bucha from Kyiv

Kyiv has sent humanitarian aid to the city of Bucha, which is defending against Russian troops on the outskirts of Kiev.

Defence Minister Reznikov: "The enemy is giving up, the Russians are protesting, the Russian propaganda is failing"

Oleksii Reznikov, the Ukrainian Defence Minister, has said that as of the seventh day of the Russian war against Ukraine, it has become harder for the occupants to keep their divisions combat-ready, as their soldiers surrender and refuse to attack. In the meantime, the Russian propaganda lies were already showing cracks as people had started coming out in protest.

Russian naval ship spotted near Odessa shores

A Russian naval ship has been spotted near Odessa.

Almost 90% of Ukrainians believe that Russia will lose the war

According to opinion polls, 88% of people believe that Ukraine will be able to repel Russia's attack.