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UK declares Wagner Group terrorist organisation

UK government to outlaw Wagner Group and confiscate its assets

Zelenskyy: Defenders will "respond tangibly" to Russian attack on Chernihiv

OSCE Parliamentary Assembly calls Russia state sponsor of terrorism

Ukraine's anti-corruption agency adds manufacturer of Domestos, Rexona and Dove to list of international sponsors of war

Russian propaganda claims Prigozhin's companies received more than trillion roubles from the Kremlin

Russia may be preparing new terrorist attack to blame Ukraine for it – intelligence

FSB recruits ISIL fighters to send them as "agents" to Ukraine

Sweden to seek EU recognition of Wagner Group as terrorist organisation

Ukraine's Defence Intelligence Chief arrested in absentia in Russia: he is to be put on international wanted list

"Worse than ISIS": Ukraine's Foreign Ministry calls on UN to kick Russia out after new video of execution of Ukrainian PoW

Russians' tactics are becoming increasingly terroristic due to lack of success

Previously swapped "DPR" militant captured and prosecuted again in Kyiv

Former Donetsk militant leader Igor Girkin claims he could not fight against Ukraine and returned to Moscow

Suspicious package received by Spanish company from which Ukraine receives weapons

Explosion at Ukrainian embassy in Spain being investigated as terrorist attack

European Parliament to vote on whether to designate Russia as state sponsor of terrorism on 23 November

Lower house of Czech Parliament recognises Russian regime as terrorist

Zelenskyy names condition when Russia will have to think about peace

European Parliament to vote on recognising Russia a state sponsor of terror

Ukrainian Intelligence offers US$100,000 for captured former leader of Donetsk militants, Igor Girkin

PACE unanimously declares Russia a terrorist regime

The world still isn’t ready for a Russia after Putin: the main conclusions of the Warsaw Security Forum

Ukraine’s ambassador to UN: "Russia has proven once again that it is a terrorist state"

Zelenskyy: Russia's relentless terrorist attacks signal its refusal to negotiate

Office of the President of Ukraine on Putin's accusation: There is only one terrorist state here

Working Group on Russian Sanctions explains "subtleties" of designating Russia state sponsor of terrorism

Сommon sense arguments: why the U.S. should designate russia as a State Sponsor of Terrorism

Russian agent tried to join the Azov Regiment, but failed

Occupiers prepare new attacks on ZNPP, other stations under threat, too – Ukrainian Intelligence