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US Congress again announces vote for assistance to Ukraine

Congress must approve aid as Ukraine needs additional air defence – White House

Ukraine's Defence Minister and US Defense Secretary discuss destructive impact of Russia's ruthless missile attacks

Zelenskyy: We need ATACMS to attack airfields in Crimea, not Russian territory – the WP

Zelenskyy on US military aid for Ukraine being blocked in Congress: We lost half a year, we can't waste time anymore – the WP

Ukrainian and American defence leaders discuss increased supply of air defence systems for Ukraine

US Ambassador reacts to Russia's massive combined attack on Ukraine

Zelenskyy says Ukraine cannot win without US help

Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief and US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman discuss defence against Russian strikes

White House official once again refutes Putin's claims about Ukraine's involvement in terrorist attack near Moscow

US Department of State responds to article about "anger at Macron" over statement on troops in Ukraine

Scholz and Biden discussed Navalny exchange week before his death – WSJ

Trump turns to Bible sales, facing legal costs – photo

Macron angered US officials with statements about sending troops to Ukraine – Bloomberg

State Department denies US and Ukraine's involvement in terrorist attack in Moscow Oblast: It's Russian propaganda

US sticks to "longtime policy" – US Department of State on Ukrainian strikes against Russian refineries

Pentagon on Russian missile in Polish airspace: US ready to defend NATO territory

Biden administration "encourages" Speaker Johnson to bring aid to Ukraine to a vote

Terrorist attack near Moscow had no linkage to Ukraine – White House

US sanctions Russian virtual asset operators

Congressman McCaul reveals when Speaker Johnson may bring Ukraine bill to vote

There's no evidence Ukraine was involved in Moscow terror attack – US Vice President

Biden signs budget into law and urges US Congress to vote for aid for Ukraine

White House condemns latest Russian missile attack on Ukraine

White House on shooting incident near Moscow: Nothing points to Ukraine's involvement

Republican Greene initiates resignation of US House Speaker Johnson – media

President's Office denies statements that US asked to stop attacks on Russian refineries

US asks Ukraine to stop strikes on Russian energy infrastructure – FT

US proposes mechanism to G7 to raise US$50bn for Ukraine from Russian assets

Speaker Johnson vows not to delay assistance for Ukraine: We won’t allow terrorists and tyrants to march through the globe