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security guarantees

US has conducted two rounds of talks on security guarantees for Ukraine

Ukraine's President and British PM have differing views on UK security guarantees

Ukraine makes progress on draft agreement on security guarantees with UK

Zelenskyy approves composition of delegation for talks on security guarantees

President's Office specifies EU countries that have not yet joined declaration on security guarantees for Ukraine

Ukraine and Germany hold new round of consultations on "security guarantees"

Bloomberg reveals what security commitments EU is ready to provide to Ukraine

Ukraine and Germany start negotiations on bilateral security guarantees

Zelenskyy: Ukraine and Italy to start work on bilateral safety guarantees

Ukraine starts bilateral talks on security guarantees with France

Ukraine and Sweden to start bilateral talks on security guarantees

Polish ambassador does not consider security guarantees for Ukraine viable without Warsaw participating

Guarantees provision in Vilnius for Ukraine's accession to NATO could change war course – Ukraine's official

Ukraine and Japan to begin negotiations on security guarantees – Zelenskyy

G7 does not have unified approach to security guarantees for Ukraine

US to provide Ukraine with an Israeli model of security guarantees – Zelenskyy

Security guarantees: Luxembourg joins G7 declaration on Ukraine

Kosovo joins declaration on Ukraine's security guarantees

Security guarantees for Ukraine: Zelenskyy announces talks with Sweden

Greece joins G7 declaration on security guarantees for Ukraine

Zelenskyy: 12 countries join G7 declaration on security guarantees for Ukraine

US confirms negotiations on bilateral "security guarantees" with Ukraine

Ukraine begin negotiations with US on security guarantees – Ukraine's President's Office chief

Zelenskyy calls on Korea to join G7 declaration on Ukraine

Six more countries join G7 in providing security guarantees to Ukraine – Zelenskyy

Ukraine is already preparing agreements on guarantees for its security – Zelenskyy

Netherlands to join G7 security guarantees for Ukraine initiative

G7 countries agree on declaration on security guarantees for Ukraine

Kremlin believes that G7 guarantees for Ukraine encroach on Russia's security

Zelenskyy: I'm not going to Vilnius for fun. Ukraine must receive security guarantees