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Prosecutor's Office

Security forces find Kyiv resident who "mined" President's Office

SSU busts collaborator from Kherson Oblast trying to flee abroad

Bodies of two men found in Kharkiv Oblast: probably shot by Russians

Shooting during surrender: investigation into Russian perfidy starts in Ukraine

Court sentences Russian army tank man who fired on civilians in Mariupol

Chief of Wagner Group private military company presses charges to Russian Prosecutor's Office against Governor of St. Petersburg

Former police officer was preparing explosions at Odesa railway

Fake SSU operatives committed robbery in Kharkiv, heavily armed gang detained

Traitors who helped Russians build dugouts and patrol cities exposed in Kharkiv Oblast

Man detained for feeding Russians data about positions of Ukrainian forces in Kyiv

Russian occupiers in Kharkiv Oblast threaten to take away children whose parents refuse to send them to school

Man detained in Kharkiv for reporting Ukrainian positions to Russian forces

Investigators found Russian soldier who shot civilians in the back near Kyiv

Number of people killed and injured in Russian shelling of Kharkiv has risen

Three children have been killed by rockets in Vinnytsia, four more were injured – prosecutors

A girl was injured in Kharkiv: 995 children have already suffered from the war

Shell hits pond where two children were swimming in Izium district - Prosecutor General

At least 263 children killed in Russia’s war against Ukraine

Kyiv region: a collaborator who claimed to be the head of Dymerska United Territorial Community will be tried

Teenager dies under Lyman shelling - Russians have already killed 232 children

Two-year-old girl dies in Bahmut – now there are 231 child war victims

Enemy artillery fired on Sumy region: killing a pensioner

Number of children killed by Russian troops rises to 226

Civilian losses: Russia claims lives of 2 more children; 223 children killed since 24 February

Kyiv Region: Collaborators who provided accommodation, food and information to the occupiers were arrested

Another infant and a teenager found killed by Russian soldiers since 24 February; 5 more children wounded

A teenager who spied for the Russians exposed in Bucha district

In Kyiv, security forces detained three Russians who were transporting saboteurs to Ukraine

The occupiers have abducted the wife of a Ukrainian soldier in the Zaporizhzhia region

The village council member from the ‘Opposition Platform’ party was arrested for preparing the seizure of state power