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Ministry of Defence

Reznikov: 72 hours of resistance and we are no longer the only ones who believe in victory over the Russians

Olena Roschina - Sunday, February 27, 2022, 06:37

The Minister of Defence Oleksiy Reznikov stated that Ukraine holds the fort defending from the Russian aggression for three days now, and that the Kremlin's plans for a ‘lightning war’ have failed.

Source: Reznikov on Facebook

Reznikov: The Enemy is Changing Tactics Because its Blitz Offensive has Failed

Olena Roshchyna, Saturday, 26 February 2022, 13:40

The Minister of Defence of Ukraine, Oleksiy Reznikov, has stated that the Russian Armed Forces are starting to actively use saboteurs and paratroopers in a change of tactics dictated by their unsuccessful initial push to strike quickly with long columns of military vehicles and equipment.

Defense Intelligence: Militants Are Training for Marine Operations

Militants in Donbas are practicing marine landing operations in Mariupol direction, according to Vadym Skybytskyi, a representative of Ukrainian Defense Intelligence, Radio Svoboda reports.

NABU Investigates ‘₴300 Million Embezzlement by National Security Authorities’

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) started investigating the alleged embezzlement of ₴300 million during the procurement of radio stations for national security authorities.

Defense Minister Dismisses His Adviser Volunteer Muravskyi

The Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak dismissed the volunteer and photographer Dmytro Muravskyi who used to chair the coordination center in the Department of Communications and Press of the Ministry and was the Minister’s adviser.

Defense Ministry Advisor: We Were Wrong to Doubt New Leadership Team

Advisor to the President Yuriy Biriukov said that they have introduced two systemic changes into logistics at the Ministry of Defense.

Defense Ministry: FSB Statement Attempts to Justify Russian Aggression

The Defense Ministry of Ukraine rejects accusations of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia that Ukrainian Defense Intelligence runs subversive activities in the occupied Crimea.

Almost 41,000 Ukrainians Have Signed Contracts with the Army in 2016

In 2016, 40,800 people have already signed contracts to serve in the Ukrainian Army, spokesperson for the Ministry of Defense Lieutenant Colonel Oleksiy Chernobay said during a press briefing on Tuesday, July 26.

Soldiers ‘Suffer Food Poisoning’, Contract with Supplier to Be Terminated

The Defense Ministry is to terminate ₴400 million ($16 million) contract with the company Vizyt which supplies food to the soldiers in Desna Military Base in Chernihiv Oblast, referring to the poor quality of food.

Savchenko ‘Ready to Be Minister of Defense’

Batkivshchyna MP Nadiya Savchenko would agree to head the Ministry of Defense if she got the offer.