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Increased mine threat as Black Sea storm gains force

Two men injured by landmine in Kharkiv Oblast

Car explodes in Mykolaiv Oblast: 4 people injured, among them newborn child

Russian landmine kills two men in Kherson Oblast

Routes of probable Russian offensive mined in north of Kyiv Oblast

Ukrainian PM says Russia created world’s largest minefield in Ukraine

Map of mined territories created in Ukraine

Father and his seven-year-old son injured by a landmine in Kharkiv Oblast

Search and rescue worker injured by mine explosion in Kharkiv Oblast is in serious condition

Two more policemen injured by Russian mines in Kherson Oblast die

Mykolaiv resident brings home Russian mines: one person killed, one injured

Russia mines coast of Crimea to prevent landing of Ukrainian troops

Ukrainian Navy shows a mine destroyed near Odesa region coast

Mine washed ashore by storm is destroyed in Odesa Oblast

Russians mine infrastructure and outskirts of Sievierodonetsk – Oblast Military Administration

Ukrainian Defenders defuse mine corridor left by occupiers in Kharkiv Oblast

Car blows up on a mine on liberated territory in Kherson Oblast, killing and injuring civilians

One-third of Ukraine’s territory, an area twice the size of Austria, is mined

Russians place mines at solar power plant in Kherson Oblast before retreating

Russian forces planted mines in Kherson police building: station had to be blown up

Car with family drove over a mine in Kherson Oblast: 4 injured, among them a child

Car belonging to Ukrainian Railways blows up on a mine in Kherson Oblast

Even bodies mined: State Emergency Service asks civilians not to return to liberated territories without permit

“From Russia with love”: Russians fleeing from south of Ukraine leave explosive "gifts"

Mine clearance of entire Luhansk Oblast will take at least 10 years

Judge dies in mine explosion in liberated village of Kharkiv Oblast

Russian occupation forces plant twice as many mines now as they did in Kyiv Oblast

Belarusian forces to be fiercely repulsed in event that they invade Ukraine from north

Five bodies of those trying to evacuate found in Kharkiv Oblast

Ambulance drives upon landmine in Kharkiv Oblast: driver dead, paramedic injured