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Zelenskyy to Macron, Scholz and Сo.: Russia doesn't want peace, it wants war

Zelenskyy meets Macron, Scholz, Draghi and the leader of Romania

Putin “meets” European leaders in Kyiv: missile threat almost everywhere in Ukraine

War Speeches: Ukraine Hopes for Increased Pressure of Sanctions, Russia Believes in Destabilization of Democracies

Macron criticises Putin for “moral and political cynicism”

French President Emmanuel Macron has harshly criticised Russian President Vladimir Putin over Russia's position on "green corridors" for Ukrainian civilians fleeing from the war zone.

Putin says he could talk in an IAEA-Russia-Ukraine format

The president of the occupying country, Vladimir Putin, has told French President Emmanuel Macron that he is not against a meeting in the IAEA-Russia-Ukraine format.

Putin to Macron: there were no rocket attacks on Kyiv and other cities

The Russian President Vladimir Putin, who launched the war against Ukraine, claims that there have been no rocket attacks on Kyiv – it is all an “anti-Russian disinformation campaign.”