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Zelenskyy: China supports Black Sea Initiative

Xi tells Zelenskyy about "points" and "steps" to be taken to end war

White House welcomes Zelenskyy's talks with Xi Jinping

Zelenskyy on conversation with Xi: just and lasting peace for Ukraine was discussed

China to send its former ambassador to Russia on visit to Ukraine

Zelenskyy appoints ambassador to China

China is not interested in stopping war against Ukraine – Czech President

EU Foreign Affairs Representative comments on China and Brazil's peace proposals: Go talk about it in Kyiv

War Speeches. EU Urges China to Move to “Ukrainian side,” Russia Seeks to Legalize the Annexation

Chinese embassy in France removes scandalous interview about former Soviet states

China says it respects sovereignty of all former Soviet states

Prague awaits clarification from Beijing after scandalous statements by Chinese ambassador to France

MEPs call on France to expel Chinese ambassador

EU says aggressive remarks by Chinese ambassador to France are "unacceptable"

Baltic states respond to Chinese diplomat who called sovereignty of post-Soviet states into question

Italy's Defence Minister advocates Ukraine-Russia negotiations mediated by China

Lithuanian Foreign Minister on Chinese ambassador's doubts about sovereignty of post-Soviet countries: This is why we do not trust China

Estonia's Foreign Ministry to summon Chinese ambassador over doubts about post-Soviet countries' sovereignty

Ambassador rebukes Chinese diplomat in France who says status of Ukraine and Crimea is "not that simple"

Macron wants to bring Ukraine and Russia to negotiating table in summer with China's help

China ready to cooperate with Russia and seek way to resolve "Ukraine crisis" – Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

We do not see Russia using Chinese weapons yet: Ukraine's National Security Council Secretary

Brazilian President wants to create "political G20" to end war in Ukraine

Putin meets with China's defence minister: they hail military cooperation

Zelenskyy talks to Macron about Macron's China visit and situation on Ukraine's fronts

ISW explains why Russia suddenly started Pacific Fleet's combat readiness checks

Increasing numbers of Chinese components are found in Russian weaponry – President's Office

Pentagon's leaked documents: China might have agreed to supply Russia with lethal weapons

Now is not the time for negotiations, now is the time for military action – Macron

Borrell will visit China on 13-15 April