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Kharkiv Oblast

Occupiers hit Kharkiv, one person killed – Oblast Military Administration

Ukraine’s National Guard destroy Russian special forces group in Kharkiv Oblast

Kharkiv Oblast: Over 1,000 civilians killed since the beginning of Russia’s invasion

Russian citizen killed by Russian shelling in Ukraine

Prosecutor's office in Kharkiv Oblast investigates forced deportation of people to Russia

Russia attacks apartment block in Chuhuiv: two people injured and one person killed

Kharkiv is ready for a possible Russian offensive – head of the oblast

Ukrainian defenders in Kharkiv Oblast "demilitarise" a Russian Tunguska anti-aircraft complex

Russians say they will distribute their passports in occupied Kharkiv Oblast

Russia attacks Chuhuiv, targeting residential buildings

Russian occupiers shell Kharkiv district: 2 casualties

One more woman’s body found under the rubble in Chuhuiv – Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration

Another man is being sought under rubble in Chuhuiv

Woman’s body found under debris of destroyed Cultural Centre in Chuhuiv

Russian forces shell Kharkiv and Chuhuiv overnight using S-300 missiles

Russian forces strike again in Chuhuiv, where people are still under the rubble

Russia attacks school and community hall in Chuhuiv, 3 civilians rescued from under the rubble

Tractor driver dies in explosion near Kharkiv

Kharkiv Oblast: during the day, police recorded 40 cases of damage from Russian Federation shelling

Negotiations on four evacuation corridors in Kharkiv region look promising – Оblast Military Administration

Russia sets up military morgue in a Kharkiv Oblast village

Prosecutor's Office shows the consequences of Russian attacks on the Kharkiv region: there are dead and wounded

The occupiers shell a village in the Kharkiv region, killing one person

Russian armed forces hit Chuhuiv: there are fatalities

Russian missile hits six-storey apartment building in Kharkiv

Russians hit Kharkiv with missiles and conduct combat reconnaissance near Dolyna

Kupiansk Mayor who betrayed Ukraine is arrested by Russians — Head of Oblast Administration

Armed Forces of Ukraine force the Russians to withdraw on the Kharkiv front – Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

The Security Service of Ukraine has detained a spotter in the Kharkiv region

Large number of invaders killed and their equipment destroyed on Kharkiv front - Head of Kharkiv Military Administration