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Kharkiv: rescuers have pulled 150 bodies from under rubble at 98 sites

8 civilians wounded in Russian shelling of Kharkiv Oblast, including 5 in city of Kharkiv

In Kharkiv, shelling caused a fire broke out at the market

Prosecutor's Office reveals consequences of Russian shelling at nuclear facility in Kharkiv

Kharkiv: citizens report missile strikes and fire

The Russians shelled Kharkiv again, trying to carry out counterattack

Russians firing artillery at Kharkiv city and Oblast again: 1 person killed

No attacks on Kharkiv today, one civilian wounded in Kharkiv Oblast

2,000 people are returning to Kharkiv every day – Oblast State Administration

On Izium front, Armed Forces of Ukraine started counteroffensive - Syniehubov

Syniehubov: Kharkiv not fired on, but “it's too early to relax”

Russians strike Kharkiv suburbs – humanitarian centre hit

Three fires in Kharkiv Region due to shelling; grandmother killed

General Staff: Ukrainian troops liberate another village near Kharkiv, Russian troops try to hold out

Invaders shell Kharkiv city centre, striking a leisure park and children's amusement rides

Shelling of Kharkiv region: 3 people wounded, 1 killed in 24 hours

Russia strikes Kharkiv with artillery and multiple rocket launchers

One person was killed and 5 people were injured in aggressor’s shelling in Kharkiv region over the past 24 hours

Russian invaders shelled Kharkiv with Grad and Smerch multiple rocket launchers

A warehouse of tank spare parts for $ 1.5 million, intended for occupiers, were revealed in Kharkiv - Security Service of Ukraine

Russian army fires on Kharkiv again, killing 1 person

Kharkiv region: 3 people died and 12 were injured by Russian shelling

The Russians shelled Kharkiv: 3 dead

Kharkiv Region: Russian troops kill 2 people and injure 14 others on Easter Sunday

Kharkiv: shelling this afternoon injures 6 people; 3 people killed in suburbs

Kharkiv: 4 wounded in Russian shelling of the city

Kharkiv Region: over 50 artillery attacks, 2 dead, 19 wounded

Kharkiv: Collaborator who handed over Ukrainian Armed Forces positions to the Russian occupiers has been detained

Kharkiv region shelled around 50 times in one day – Head of Regional Military Administration

Russian missile hits private car in Kharkiv killing two civilians