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Kerch Bridge

Russia introduces new restrictions on traffic through Kerch Strait

Russia plans to restore Crimean Bridge in December

Russians "a long way from reality" in their investigation of Crimean Bridge explosion

When we regain Crimea, the Crimean Bridge will cease to exist – Kyrylo Budanov, Ukraine's Intelligence Chief

Zelenskyy on Kerch Bridge explosion: we definitely did not order it

Russia’s Deputy Minister of Transport may resign after explosion on Crimean Bridge

Russian government wants Crimean Bridge repaired by July

Chinese media make fun of FSB "investigation" into Kerch Bridge case

Maxar shows new photos of damaged Crimean Bridge

Occupiers show how they are trying to restore Crimean Bridge

Explosion on the Crimean Bridge: FSB detain 8 people and accuse Ukrainian intelligence and its head of orchestrating it

Russia photoshops a Ukrainian passport for new fake about Crimean Bridge "terrorist attack"

Office of the President of Ukraine on Putin's accusation: There is only one terrorist state here

Putin convenes Russia's Security Council, his press secretary comments on possibility of enacting nuclear doctrine

Putin blames Crimean Bridge explosion on Ukraine's Security Service

The Crimean bridge is guarded by fighter jets from the sky, and by divers and fighting dolphins underwater – Russian media

Satellite images of damaged Crimean Bridge released

Occupiers begin allowing passenger trains to cross Crimean Bridge

"So?": Russian authorities and propagandists react to destruction of Crimean bridge