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fighter jets

Zelenskyy inspected F-16s Belgium will provide to Ukraine

Sweden asked to delay delivery of Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine

Belgium to supply 30 F-16s to Ukraine by 2028

Satellite images show fighter jets damaged at airfield in Russia on 19 May by drones – video, photo

10 Ukrainian servicemen complete F-16 maintenance training in Netherlands

"F-16s in the sky. Carrying US missiles. Targets destroyed!" : how pilots of Ukraine's Armed Forces train on simulator

F-16s will arrive in Ukraine "within weeks", UK media outlet reports

Ukraine's Air Force receives first F-16 fighter jet trainer – video

Polish aircraft scrambled at night again due to Russian large-scale attack on Ukraine

Netherlands plans to transfer F-16s to Ukraine in autumn

F-16 fighter jets expected soon – Ukraine's Air Force spokesperson

Ukraine's Air Force explains how faulty F-16 can help Ukraine

Danish ambassador is optimistic about delivery of F-16s to Ukraine this summer

Norway says it is handing over F-16s to Ukraine for strikes deep into Russian rear

NATO Secretary General does not think F-16 jets will change course of war in Ukraine

10 Ukrainian pilots undergo basic fighter jet training in UK

12 Ukrainian pilots will be ready to fly F-16s in combat in July – NYT

Ukrainian pilots conduct strike mission training on F-16s – Ukrainian Air Force spokesman

Ukraine's Air Force downs another Russian Su-34 jet, the 11th aircraft downed in February

Ukraine's air defence success tied to advanced missiles and tactical manoeuvres – Forbes

Ukraine's Air Force downs another Russian Su-34 fighter jet

Zelenskyy showcases training of Ukrainian pilots on F-16s – video

Zelenskyy hears reports on everything related to F-16 aircraft at Supreme Commander-in-Chief Staff meeting

Air Force: Ukraine transitions to F-16 in emergency manner, unlike any other country

Ukraine's Air Force shoots down Russian Su-34 jet

NATO Secretary General explains "dilemma" in supply of F-16s to Ukraine

Poland scrambles aircraft due to Russian missile attack on Ukraine

Poland scrambles aircraft due to massive Russian missile attack on Ukraine

Netherlands increases number of F-16s for Ukraine to 24

Moldova's Defence Ministry refutes fake reports about "transit of F-16s for Ukraine"